
Hope for Today’s World

These days, we use the word “hope” all the time. “I hope this year will be better than last year and I hope the market goes up and I hope my stocks do better.” Lets “hope so.” But, real hope isnt about hoping things will go better. The hope Im talking about is reality – a living expectation – squarely based on Gods revealed promises.

When you open your heart to Christ, God actually comes into your life. Thats real! Suddenly, you know God for yourself. And it isnt a religious thing. It isnt just doing the proper thing on Sunday or Christmas or Easter. Now its a deep, personal relationship with the Living God. You become a child of God. Suddenly you have peace with God. You know youre loved. You have the Holy Spirit. Youre a new person.

The Bible says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” And your hope keeps on growing as you get to know God more and more each day.

The miracle of Christmas is hope. Christ came to earth as a baby to bring us this hope. He died and rose again so we might have real hope, not just “hope so.” Who has God placed in your path who needs to hear of this hope? Pray, and ask the Lord for the opportunity to lovingly, respectfully, share His hope with your friends and family.

Sharing Our Faith isn’t Easy

Sharing our faith isnt always easy – I know! As a young man, I was convinced I didnt have the gift of evangelism. No matter how hard I tried, no one was coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I remember giving God a deadline: “If I dont see any converts by the end of the year, Im quitting.” I would still be an active Christian, but I planned to resign myself from striving to win the lost to Jesus Christ. The end of the year came and went. No converts. Now I was SURE I didnt have the gift of evangelism. Then, about four days into the new year, I met someone who said, “Please tell me how I can get a pure heart.” Together we looked at the Bible. It says, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” That was the answer! That evening, this person found peace with God and went home with a pure heart overflowing with joy. How delightful it was to lead this person to Jesus Christ! You can do the same. YOU can lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ. But you must boldly ask God to use you. And then you must respond when He gives you the opportunity. He will help you, but you must first be willing.

Lonely without the Creator

I recently had a conversation with an atheist who disagreed when I suggested that atheists are lonely people. He questioned me, saying, “How do you know this?” He had a good point. I cannot say that every atheist is empty in every area of life- of course not. But I do know that spiritually, every atheist is empty.

An atheist can be lonely because he is very much on his own if he doesnt have a connection with His Creator. There is a certain lack of peace of mind and heart until you know where you came from and where youre going. Your spirit is dead even though body and soul are functioning.

John Paul Sartre, the atheist French philosopher, said, “Man is alone, abandoned to his own destiny.” Thats an expression of a person who doesnt know God- Sartre didnt know God. But if you know God, you have a purpose! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Who in your life is spiritually empty? Ask God to reveal someone to you today. Then, reach out to this person! Only Jesus can fill their void of loneliness. You and I know this to be true. And we know people who havent accepted this truth, dont we.

Respect them in their unbelief, but encourage them to remain open to Gods prompting. Encourage them to read the Gospel of John in particular, and say, if you really want to know God, you will find Him very quickly.

Fragrance of Christ

Second Corinthians chapter 2:14 and 15 is a super verse. It starts with this: “…Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession.” Triumphal procession: that means thrilling, successful evangelism that only comes from Christs power. Jesus is the one who does it. He leads us in it. You and I just need to follow His ways, His Word, His voice.

The next part of the verse explains how the Lord leads us in evangelism victory. It says, “Through us [Christ] spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” Thats really what evangelism is – “spreading around the perfume of Jesus Christ.” Thats what you and I are doing – as we walk in the power of Jesus Christ living inside us.

As we talk to people, chat with them, even joking, playing, and working. We are spreading the fragrance of Christ. We are showing our world real love, true joy, inner peace and lasting hope — the blessings that are found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

So ask the Lord to help others see Him in you – through the words you speak, the smiles you give, and the reactions you make. Christ takes the lead – and asks you to follow. As you do, youll be spreading His aroma to the people in your world.

The Light of Life

Jesus Christ says, “I am the light of the world. If anyone follows me they will not walk in darkness but they will have the light of life.” What kind of life is he talking about? Its Eternal Life. Eternal life is the life of God in the soul of man. As this Christmas rolls around, I want you to experience Jesus Christ for yourself.

Friends, there is one who has power to forgive sin and make the light shine. He can change your heart. Jesus Christ wants to give you eternal life. He is the one who assures us by saying, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”

But, dear friends, you have to make a decision. It isnt enough to say “gee that sounds good.” You have to know him for yourself. Life can change instantly, if you open your heart to Christ.

If you trust His promises, and rest in Him, you will be forgiven. Youll have the peace of God. Youll become a child of God. Youll receive the Holy Spirit. Youll receive eternal life. When you give your heart to Jesus the light of the world fills your soul. Will you give your heart to Jesus Christ today?