Not Ashamed
I have a buddy who is a Jewish Christian. He became a believer many years ago when he went to college and he heard a great Jewish evangelist speak. So this man was converted and he was determined to become a missionary. He went back home to collect money for his first mission trip. But suddenly, he became embarrassed and ashamed of letting the Jewish community in his particular city know that he was a follower of Jesus Christ.
He was embarrassed that Jesus was his Savior and his Messiah, so he never truly lived his life for the Lord. He became one of those “closet” Christians we all know. Now, years later, this man is on his death bed, and feels his life has been a waste.
Jesus said in Luke 9:26, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory.”
You and I have a choice every day whether or not to be ashamed of Jesus Christ. No one wants to come to the end of his life and think its been a waste. But only living a life that counts for Christ will make that life worthwhile.
Are you ashamed of Jesus? If so, ask the Lord to forgive you. Its never too late to ask for a new beginning with God! He will give you a passion for Him thats so powerful, it will overflow onto those around you.