
Finding the Answer

I met Steve on a recent trip to London, England. He approached me and said, “Mr. Palau, I committed my life to Jesus during your festival to London 23 years ago.” Then Steve told me his story.

Since he didn’t grow up in church, Steve knew very little about God. He began serving in the Royal British Forces in his early 20s. There, he struggled with severe bouts of anxiety and depression, which led him to heavy drinking binges. In Steve’s words, he was one inch away from becoming an alcoholic.

Steve was searching for answers in various religions, when a friend invited him to hear me speak at Wembley Stadium in London. Steve agreed to go. That night he heard the Good News Gospel, and realized what he needed in his life wasn’t religion, but a relationship with Jesus.

When I gave the invitation, Steve made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior. Today, Steve is married to a wonderful Christian woman, and they are raising their three sons in the ways of God.

Think about where Steve might be today if his friend hadn’t invited him to our festival. Ephesians 5:15 reminds us: “Be careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”

We need to remember to be intentional about inviting our friends to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel. It may be just what they need to hear

The Missing Link

Born and raised in London, England, Emma Owen grew up going to church with her family. But even as a young girl, there always seemed to be something missing from her church experience.

Then, in 1984, Emma’s mom brought her to our team’s “Festival to London.” This festival was a 6-week campaign to touch the heart of London for Jesus Christ.

The night Emma, the teenager, and her mom attended, Emma realized what was missing in her life was a relationship with Jesus. So when I asked all those in the stadium how many wanted to make a decision for Christ, Emma jumped up from her seat to make a public declaration.

Emma says that her commitment that night was the foundation of her faith that she built on for years to come. Today, Emma and her husband, with two children, live in Manchester, England where they share the Good News with teenagers in their city: first-class contemporary Christian music and messages.

Think of children you know who attend church, but perhaps don’t know the Lord personally. Pray for them, by name, and when there’s an opportunity, share the way of salvation. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” and that includes children.

Don’t ever assume that just because someone is inside a church, they know the way to Jesus. Many times they are unconsciously waiting for someone to share the missing link with them. That someone could be you!

Blessed to Be a Blessing

A New Way of Thinking
Here’s a great story. In Genesis chapter 12, God tells Abram to pack up his belongings and go to an unknown place. He says to Abram, “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

Man, I like that! Many Christians today have a distorted understanding of what makes up purposeful living. Good health, a successful career, a comfortable lifestyle and a happy family. They think, “When I’m happy, God is happy.”

Unfortunately, they’ve lost touch with God’s grand plan. And they are unaware of the biblical reason for blessings. In the passage that we just read, God told Abram that he would make him great so that he would be a blessing to others! In the process, Abram would be fulfilled (most of the time). And, when we live for Christ and give to others, we are filled with joy in the process!

Think about all God has given you. Good health? A great family? Wisdom? Physical strength? Whatever it is, ask the Lord how you can use those things to be a blessing – to help others.

I know a young guy who’s gifted with physical strength. He looks for opportunities to bless others by helping them move. What a great way to put the love of Christ into action! So if you want to be blessed then be a blessing to others.

Leaving a Legacy

Evangelism Lessons from Moses

Moses left the children of Israel a legacy of faithfulness. He was obedient to God’s call on His life to free the Hebrew slaves and lead them to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34:12 says, “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” That’s a legacy!

In some ways, Moses reminds me of my dad. My dad received Christ at the age of 24 as a result of a missionary named Mr. Rogers. Only nine years later, my dad died. But what a legacy he left in those few, yet powerful, years! Mr. Rogers and my dad started local churches in nine towns outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also built a chapel in each of those towns. In addition they held street and tent meetings – sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. My dad lived a life that left me, and those he touched, a legacy of faithfulness and evangelism. He shared the Good News up until the day he died.

We can all live a life that counts if we surrender to God’s call for us. God has glorious ministry opportunities in store for you and for me. He wants us to lead people into a relationship with Himself, setting souls free from sin and death. So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will people remember you as one who evangelized?