
Loving Others

I remember when I met Susan. She called in to our live television show a few years ago. Her voice was shaking, and she was very nervous. Susan said that she felt like God had thrown her out of His life.

When I asked why she felt that way, Susan told me, “In every church I have attended, people judge me when they find out about my past.” Apparently, she had been married multiple times, and had some past sins that she was ashamed about. Susan felt that she didnt fit in at any church.

Isnt that sad? What Susan needed was Christians to really show her Christ-like love. To accept her for where she was, not judge her past, and encourage her to grow in the Lord. Jesus Himself commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

So why is it so difficult to love others sincerely? Because loving as Jesus loves is impossible to do on our own. We need Gods love in us, to show that love to our world.

First John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.”

Loving well takes practice, and resting in the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. But its absolutely essential if you want to see people changed. Love, my friend, is the essence of reaching your world for Jesus Christ.

People, People Everywhere

What kind of people live in your city? Ambitious people. Lonely people. People struggling financially. Young people in search of freedom. Displaced people out of touch with their families. The list goes on!

The point is: The harvest is ready. But where are the workers? In city after city around the world, I proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ before massive festival crowds. Through my preparatory work in each city, I have discovered that many Christians fail to see the importance of evangelism. What does that mean? It means that before we can bring the hope of Jesus to our cities, we must first recognize the urgent need!

In the Bible, Mark 16:15 reports Jesus telling His disciples to, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Guess what? That command is for you! Those words include your city. God has a plan. And YOU must respond to His call.

You may not have the opportunities to share your faith with thousands, but you can share Gods love in your city by reaching out to your neighbor. Will you do it today? Reach your city by reaching those in your community. Reach out and see what God can do through you.

So Many People

When I ask you to picture a billion people, what do you see? A bunch of nameless, faceless people crammed together? Perhaps the number is just too big; you simply cannot comprehend it. But, there are literally billions of people right now who do not know Jesus Christ!

Statistics can be overwhelming. We can dismiss the “one billion” number because its just too big. It makes us feel helpless. But, pause for a moment. Perhaps you cant reach each of the billion of people who do not know the Lord, but what about the handful of people you do know? You dont know every single person who needs to know Jesus, but I bet you know some of them.

The Bible says that when Jesus saw the crowds, “He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” We need to ask God to move our hearts with the same compassion that moves His heart.

Thousands of people dont know Jesus Christ today. But your ONE neighbor, your ONE coworker, your one son or daughter – these are the people YOU can reach. You cant reach them all, but you can reach the ones God has put in your path.

Excuses, Excuses

When I lived in Mexico City, I would chat occasionally with my next-door neighbor. But I didnt share the Gospel with him. I told myself that I didnt need to talk to him about Jesus because he seemed happy just as he was. In time, my neighbor changed. The joy left his face. He and his wife started driving separate cars to work. I could tell their marriage was souring. I felt I should talk with him, but I didnt want to meddle in his life. I went about my business and headed off for an evangelistic crusade in Peru. When I returned home, I learned my neighbor had killed himself. I was heartbroken. I knew I should have gone to him and persuaded him to repent and follow Christ. But, because of silly excuses, I didnt do it. We must not make excuses for not telling people about Jesus Christ. The Bible says Christians are, “Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” Friends, lets be bold in our faith! Dont do what I did. Dont walk past an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus. The world is literally dying without Jesus Christ.

To Taste of Calvary

These last five days Ive been talking to you about an old hymn that touched my life when I was young, and still does today. Here is verse 5, “So send I you to hearts made hard by hatred. To eyes made blind because they will not see. To spend, there will be blood. To spend and spare not. So send I you to taste of Calvary.”

You know when Jesus Christ sends us out to give the Good News of His son, in some ways, you are dying to yourself. In many ways, you are dying to the flesh, to the world, and to the devil. And sometimes, its hard. But you know, its worth it all. Even if you and I should have to shed our blood, God forbid, but if we had to, and we did it in His power, we would never regret it.

Jesus Christ died on a cross for us, whose hearts were hard, some of us were filled with hatred. Some of us were blind because we didnt want to see. But Jesus Christ nevertheless, died for us on the cross. And when we share the Good News, with a neighbor, with a friend at work, with somebody at school, whoever it may be- in a way we are identifying with Jesus Christs dying on the cross and we are hurting and suffering in a way for the person that we want to lead to faith in Jesus Christ.

So rejoice my friend. I hope this week has helped you. “As the father has sent me,” Jesus said, “So I send you.” There is no greater calling in the whole world. Fulfill it, and you will never regret it.