
An Open Sincerity

Many of us came to Christ through the words and example of a Christian who showed the open sincerity of a true believer. That sincerity can come to each of us when we acknowledge our personal frailties and take off the masks we use to hide them.

In the early days of my ministry I sometimes tried to be self-sufficient and relied on my education and my Bible knowledge instead of God. Sometimes I wore a mask of toughness and confidence that kept me from getting through to people who were hungry to hear of Gods love. Thankfully, God saw though my masquerade and eventually took off my mask of pride. Only then was I able to share the Good News with sincerity and power.

In those times when we doubt our competence to be ambassadors for Christ, lets remember the words of the apostle Paul from Philippians 4: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

As Christians, its our privilege and responsibility to share the message of Gods love. We dont need to hold back! God will give us the strength to share the Good News with the sincerity that comes from total trust in Him.

If youve experienced the blessing that comes from letting God be your confidence, Id love to hear about it. Write to me at Ill be praying for you!

Pretense Leads to Burnout

Sooner or later most of us will encounter a Christian who is wearing a mask. We find out the pious Christian we thought we knew isnt the Christ-centered person they appeared to be. It seems to happen all too often on the national news and, sadly, in our local church.

The reality is that most people wear some sort of mask. Were scared that without a facade, people will see our inadequacies. Were scared that people wont like us if they really knew us.

But, the apostle Paul reminded us in 2 Corinthians that “whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away…and we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lords glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory.”

Pauls message is that we can take off our masks, when we truly accept Christ into our hearts. Not only will we experience freedom, but Paul promises we will grow steadily in the image of Christ.

Lets face it – living a life of pretense is exhausting. We can avoid the burnout and live victoriously when we stop pretending. So, stop pretending and turn to Christ for your security. Then, youll be ready to tell others of the glorious freedom you found in Christ.

The Masks We Wear

In our neighborhood, and I suspect in yours, in October the kids put on costumes and go trick-or-treating. Most kids wear the mask of their favorite comic book hero to hide their identity and hopefully get a treat.

The sad thing is that many of us adults do the same type of thing. We put on the mask of a pious Christian. We go to church on Sunday. We say all the right things. We pretend to be faithful. We pretend to be a “good Christian.”

The apostle Paul attacked this imitation of Christian living. In 2 Corinthians, he says that “unlike so many, we do not peddle the Word of God. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity like men (and women) sent from God.” Paul is telling us to take off our masks. To stop trying to deceive others. To stop trying to cover up our sins.

God can see through the masquerade that keeps us from walking openly with Him. Its only when we open our hearts and allow Christ to make us the kind of people He wants us to be that we can stop pretending to be someone were not and truly let the world see Christ through us.