
Hope for Family Members

I have a friend named John who opened his heart to Jesus Christ when he was in high school. John soon began sharing His love for the Lord with his mother, Shirley. Now, Shirley was a lovely lady, but she resisted the Good News for years.

One day my team and I were having a big evangelistic festival on the waterfront near her apartment. When she heard the message of Christ through her apartment window, and our parallel TV telecast, Shirley opened her heart to Christ. And two months to the day, the Lord took her home to be with Himself. I am so glad Shirley is now “at home with the Lord” in heaven, to quote the Bible!

If youre a Christian, chances are theres someone in your family who does not know the Lord. Let me encourage you to make the most of this Christmas season and share the Good News with them. Take them to a Christmas Eve service. Afterwards, ask them what they thought of it. Or go to their home and sing carols around the piano and then read the Christmas story from Luke chapter two.

Go shopping, have lunch, and ask leading questions. Shower them with God-given love and, most of all, offer them the opportunity to give their hearts to Christ. Remember the words of the Lord from Isaiah, “Now is the time of Gods favor, now is the day of salvation.”

A Simple Meal

Reaching Your World is a great dream, but sometimes its difficult to know, especially, how to get a conversation going or how to connect people in the neighborhood, or even at work, in a spiritual way.

One of the ways Ive used for many years are luncheons – as an outreach. For instance, in Portland, Oregon, where we live, we have what we call the “Christmas luncheon.” Weve had it for 18 years, now, maybe even 19. And, you know, its a great opportunity, in a classy hotel, to invite people to come, to have lunch. They know its Christmas. They know itll be something connected with Jesus Christ and, of course, its a great opportunity.

Ive always thought, “How interesting that the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we would remember Him, instituted a meal.” Do you remember? The bread and the wine. Yes, seated around the table of the Lord its easy to think about the Lord. Through sitting for lunch or dinner with an unbeliever, with someone who is searching or perhaps isnt even interested, Jesus Christ becomes very real.

At the table, you can begin to talk about the bread of life and you can find a way, because the Holy Spirit always opens the door. I find, when Im alert and ready to share the faith, He always finds a way to open the door so that you can talk about the one that you love so much and who changed your life.

Assurance of Salvation

Years ago I was talking to businessmen in Texas. Some of them were followers of Jesus Christ, and some were still searching. I was telling them about a princess whom I met in England who wanted the assurance of salvation. As I was sharing this story, I noticed one of the businessmen was embarrassed because tears were coming down his cheeks.

Afterward, I went up to him and said, “Hey Jimmy, I noticed that you were crying when I was telling the story of the princess. What was going on?” He said, “I’ve been to church all of my life but I’ve never had the assurance of eternal life, and I’m 65!”

Jimmy was a successful businessman, he had a big insurance company, everybody knew who he was in town, but something was missing. So we got together for lunch and I said, “Jimmy, the most important thing right now is that you personally open your heart to Christ right here. That’s all the assurance you need.” When I explained the salvation message to him, Jimmy bowed his head in the restaurant and received Jesus Christ as Lord.

Do you know that many people are in the same boat as Jimmy? Even someone who looks good and religious on the outside can be struggling on the inside – only God and he knows. It’s up to us to offer them the hope and assurance of eternal life. What a privilege!