
A Simple Question

One of the methods I’ve observed through the years that has worked well when I’m trying to get a person to open up – to tell me what they’re really thinking (and, of course, particularly to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ) is to ask appropriate questions. Not nosy questions. Not inappropriate questions, just some good questions.

Jesus Christ did it all the time. Even when His enemies were accusing Him, He would always respond with a question because questions really get a person thinking. You remember, He once said to His disciples, “Whom do people say that I am?” And they answered in several ways. He said, “But who do you say that I am?” Jesus was interested sincerely. It wasn’t a phony question. It was a sincere question.

So sometime, especially if you’re with a relative or someone you know well, say, “Tell me what you’re thinking about…” Ususually, people like to tell you what they’re thinking. Most people have opinions on just about everything under the sun!

As they begin to talk, again say, “Lord, give me the right opening so that I can ask the question that will lead to a conversation about forgiveness of sins, the cross of Christ, the resurrection, the presence of the Holy Spirit, whatever this person needs…”

Ask the question and the Lord will open doors.

A Simple Invitation

Years ago I was sharing the Good News at one of our North American festivals. As I was giving the invitation for people to come forward to confess Jesus Christ, I was shocked to see an elderly gentleman named Bob make his way to the front hand-in-hand with his wife. Bob was a famous lawyer in Iowa. But what surprised me was that everybody thought Bob was already a Christian, and so did I!

That evening I went out to coffee with him, and I said to him, “Bob, why did you come forward? I thought you’d been a church person all of your life.” He said, “Yes, I’ve been in church all my life, but nobody ever gave me a chance to confess Christ like you gave us tonight. My wife and I have been waiting for this opportunity for 37 years.” Thirty-seven years living in the shadows.

There are countless people just like Bob who we run into every day. They may go to church, and look great on the outside. But many of them have never been given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus says, “If you confess me before men, I’ll confess you before my Father which is in heaven.” Ask the Lord to show you who you can share Christ’s invitation with. It may be just what they’re waiting to hear – maybe for 37 years.