
All This is Ours!

Have you ever thought about the amazing privileges we have as children of God? Think about it. Hebrews chapter 10 tells us all about them. First, it says we can draw near to God with a sincere heart. That we do that in full assurance of faith. That our hearts are sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscious. That our bodies are washed with pure living water.

We hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, because the One who promised it is faithful. We spur one another on to love and good deeds. We meet together for fellowship. We encourage one another and, it says, all the more as we see the Day of our Lord approaching.

You know, all these privileges are ours in Jesus Christ! Is that amazing or what? The blood of Jesus purified and opened the door in such a way that we can actually walk right into the most holy place, the very presence of God. In the Spirit, in prayer, in worship, in meditation-you and I can actually feel and be by faith, in reality, in the very presence of God Almighty.

Hebrews 10:19 says, “We have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.” Check it out for yourself. You can make an amazing impact on your world when you live life in light of God’s promises, God’s privileges, and God’s reality.

Stuck in a Rut

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Besetting sins.” That’s what the old-timers used to call them. They’re the sins we go back to again and again. With some of us it’s temper, with some of us it’s gossip, with others it’s bitterness, or it could be a sexual sin.

So what do we do when we’re caught in a rut of sinful behavior? We have to go back to the Lord every single time! Every time confess and move on. I’ve heard many new converts say, “How many times am I going to go back and confess my sins?” As many as it takes! Eventually you’ll get so tired of confession that you’ll probably decide, I better not do it again. This is getting boring.

David says in Psalm 32 that he felt like his bones were dry as in the heat of summer until he confessed his sins to the Lord. And then he was forgiven, set free. It didn’t mean that he wasn’t tempted again, but now he was free from besetting sins.

First John 1 tells us that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. Romans 8 says we aren’t obligated to the sinful nature any more.

Hebrews 10 says this is now God’s covenant with us: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

Don’t let besetting sins keep you from living fervently and free in Jesus. Your victory over sin is a tremendous testimony of abundant life in Jesus Christ, our Savior!

Get to Know Your Neighbors

I know a young man whose parents almost divorced when he was 3 years old. Though this couple had grown up in church, neither of them had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Their marriage was on the rocks and they said that they had “irreconcilable differences.”

But, they had a neighbor who was a true follower of Jesus. That neighbor started to talk with this couple and get to know them. Pretty soon the neighbor clearly shared the Good News with them. The couple knew that they needed God to save their marriage, so they both made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Twenty-six years later they are happily married and are stronger than ever in their faith. And those neighbors are still some of this couple’s closest friends.

The Bible’s book of Titus says, “At his appointed season he brought his word to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.”

You never know what your neighbors are going through. They may seem okay on the outside, but inside they could be falling apart. Be bold in getting to know them. You never know when God will bring His truth to them through the message he’s entrusted to you. Wouldn’t that be exciting?!?

Bringing Light into Darkness

What the World Needs to Hear

At the end of the book of Acts, the apostle Paul finds himself in court. He is defending himself for preaching the Good News Gospel, about which the authorities were very upset. Paul explains that He had no choice.

He said Jesus appeared to him on the way to Damascus, charging him to speak the Good News to the Jews and the Gentiles. God told Paul to “open their eyes and turn their darkness to light.” That’s got to be one of my favorite verses!

I remember reading about a missionary to the South Pacific who died there. The epitaph on his tombstone read, “When he came, there was no light. When he left, there was no darkness.” Man, I wish they could that about me.

When you reach out to your world with the Good News Gospel, you are turning darkness into light. Don’t think you have to be a missionary in Asia like the apostle Paul. You just need to be obedient to where God is calling you and where He’s put you. Whether it’s one-on-one with a neighbor, with a little kid in Sunday School, or talking with someone in your carpool, you are the light of Christ shining in a dark world.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone said of you someday: “When she came there was no light. When she left, the neighborhood there was no darkness.” May that be said of all of us, do you think!?!?