
Confidence in the Word

You know, these days, it seems nothing is absolute anymore. Malcolm Muggeridge said that the greatest problem of our day is not political or economic but it is “the loss of a sense of moral order.” It is so exciting to me, that as followers of Jesus we have an absolute standard to live by.

This absolute standard is Gods Word to mankind- the Bible. The Bible is without error. You can trust it 100%. It is the inspired Word of God. If we dont think God is big enough to create a book without error, then we serve too small a god. God absolutely can create a perfect book and He did.

The Bible says of itself in Second Timothy that “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Isnt this exciting? The more we read the Bible, the better equipped we are to reach our world. When we live our lives in light of the scriptures, we live based on unchanging, absolute truth.

Cities: Good or Bad?

When I say the word “city,” what picture comes to your mind? Some people think of lights and wonderful opportunities. Some people think of crime, smog and traffic. These people see city life as Henry David Thoreau once described, as “millions of people being lonesome together.” A sad picture indeed.

Regardless of how you view cities, arent you glad that Jesus desperately loves them? Remember in Matthew when Jesus is weeping over Jerusalem? He loves cities! And, one of the pictures of heaven is the “city of God.” God wouldnt use that picture if He didnt care about cities. No matter where people are, city or country, there will be sin. Even if the people in your life arent perfect and arent friendly, they still need the Lord.

My friend, do not ignore your city, or your street, today. The worlds cities need a revival caused by changed hearts that only the Gospel can activate! YOU may be the only person willing to share Gods Good News with your bus driver. With the person next to you on the Subway. With your taxi driver. YOU have a purpose in your city. Say “YES!” to reaching your world today for Jesus Christ!

Let Your Light Shine

Dear friends, if you know Jesus Christ this Christmas season then you must let your light shine. God has said to us, “You are the light of the world.” And He has told us to let this light shine. Wherever God has placed us, He has asked us to be His ambassadors and to speak well of His son Jesus.

This Christmas, I want to challenge you to shine for Him. Take hold of the Gospel of John and read it over and over again. Let Jesus Christ shine through you. Let your light shine in your neighborhood, at your workplace, at the gym, and with your family.

There is great darkness in the land right now. People are anxious, worried, and afraid. Today we need to step up in the name of Jesus Christ and say, “Wait a minute. It doesnt have to be like this. I know Jesus. He is the light of the world. If we follow Him we dont have to walk in darkness. We dont have to be afraid.

Friends, there are millions of us who know Jesus, love Him, and are walking in the light. If we all walk in the light of Jesus Christ, then the light is going to shine.

Today, let your light shine. The world desperately needs to know Jesus Christ. Let your light shine to the people that God has put in your path today.

Share Your Faith this Christmas

Did you know that when Christ says “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life” hes actually talking about today? Yes, it was true 2,000 years ago. Jesus was walking on earth in a human body. But Jesus Christ is just as alive today, friends. We must never forget that! Yes, he died on the cross to forgive us all our sins. But, He rose from the dead. Death couldnt hold him.

This Christmas, talk about a Christmas of light. Tell your family and friends about Jesus. A Christmas of light is a Christmas lived in the presence of Jesus Christ, who said “I am the light of the world.”

As you go through your holiday routine, tell people about what Jesus has done in your life. When youre shopping for Christmas presents, let the cashier know that Jesus loves them. When youre making Christmas dinner, tell your family what Jesus has done in your life.

Read Luke 2 with your children. Teach them the meaning of Christmas. Dont let this Christmas come and go without focusing on Jesus Christ. During the Christmas season people may be more open to learn about Jesus. Right now is a great opportunity to tell other people what Jesus means to you.

A Christmas of Light

Light symbolizes Christmas. We hang Christmas stars and we have trees that are lit up. Its a good symbol because there was light when the angels came and said, “I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Light speaks of life. Light speaks of God. Light speaks of freedom. Light speaks of a clear conscience. And light speaks of forgiveness of sins. The Bible says that “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

God is light. If you know Him today, then you never need to be in darkness. If you do not know Him, will you surrender to Him today? He wants to come into your life. He wants to forgive you. He wants to call you His child. This Christmas will you give your heart to Jesus Christ? Will you do it today? Right now?

Pray with me, “Lord Jesus Christ. I surrender my life to you. I believe in my heart you are the son of God. I know you died on the cross to get rid of all my sins. I believe youre alive. So I open my heart to you. With your power, I will serve you and follow you. I am yours forever because Christ lives in me. Amen.”