Ready to Die
NBC Television had an excellent reporter named David Bloom. In 2003, he was covering the war in Iraq. David was a young guy, in his thirties, with a wife and three daughters – in the prime of life.
But one day while he was in a tank reporting, he collapsed, and died on the spot. Later they found out he had a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot that had lodged in his heart. No one could have guessed that it was coming. What a shock! So young!
But thankfully, when he died, David was ready. Two years before his sudden death he had given his life to Jesus with the help of some friends who I know in Connecticut. They get together every Friday morning to pray and to do a Bible study, and thats where David became a Christian.
Jesus rose from the dead! He gives us confidence that one day all believers will join Him in Heaven! In John 14:3 Jesus says, “I am going [to Heaven] to prepare a place for you.”
Thats where David Bloom is today. What about you? Like David, you never know when your time on earth will end. Its usually a big surprise! Thats why you need to be ready for that day by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and life immediately.
Why wait? Do you know Him as your Savior? Are you sure that you have eternal life? If not, why dont you settle things right now and open your heart to the Lord today?