
Ready to Die

NBC Television had an excellent reporter named David Bloom. In 2003, he was covering the war in Iraq. David was a young guy, in his thirties, with a wife and three daughters – in the prime of life.

But one day while he was in a tank reporting, he collapsed, and died on the spot. Later they found out he had a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot that had lodged in his heart. No one could have guessed that it was coming. What a shock! So young!

But thankfully, when he died, David was ready. Two years before his sudden death he had given his life to Jesus with the help of some friends who I know in Connecticut. They get together every Friday morning to pray and to do a Bible study, and thats where David became a Christian.

Jesus rose from the dead! He gives us confidence that one day all believers will join Him in Heaven! In John 14:3 Jesus says, “I am going [to Heaven] to prepare a place for you.”

Thats where David Bloom is today. What about you? Like David, you never know when your time on earth will end. Its usually a big surprise! Thats why you need to be ready for that day by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and life immediately.

Why wait? Do you know Him as your Savior? Are you sure that you have eternal life? If not, why dont you settle things right now and open your heart to the Lord today?

Not Ashamed

I have a buddy who is a Jewish Christian. He became a believer many years ago when he went to college and he heard a great Jewish evangelist speak. So this man was converted and he was determined to become a missionary. He went back home to collect money for his first mission trip. But suddenly, he became embarrassed and ashamed of letting the Jewish community in his particular city know that he was a follower of Jesus Christ.

He was embarrassed that Jesus was his Savior and his Messiah, so he never truly lived his life for the Lord. He became one of those “closet” Christians we all know. Now, years later, this man is on his death bed, and feels his life has been a waste.

Jesus said in Luke 9:26, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory.”

You and I have a choice every day whether or not to be ashamed of Jesus Christ. No one wants to come to the end of his life and think its been a waste. But only living a life that counts for Christ will make that life worthwhile.

Are you ashamed of Jesus? If so, ask the Lord to forgive you. Its never too late to ask for a new beginning with God! He will give you a passion for Him thats so powerful, it will overflow onto those around you.

A Repentant Heart

Many times people feel they cant share their faith because they arent free from the slavery of their own sin – whether its past or present. They think, Im unworthy. Ive got stuff in my life that needs clearing up. Who am I to tell someone else about the Lord? Thats why we need to always be reminded about the importance of repentance.

Jesus wants to use us in powerful ways in other peoples lives. That starts with us first coming clean before Him and experiencing the freeing power of His forgiveness. Remember King David? In Psalm 51 he confesses his sins of adultery and murder before the Lord. Its a great Psalm to read when were struggling with sin because its full of hope.

In verse 10 David talks about a new beginning. He says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” I love that verse. Isnt that what we all really want, deep down?

A truly repentant person says, O God, its my heart. Its my inmost being that needs a touch. Make me more like you, Lord, that I would love holiness, and hate sin, and lead others to your Cross. Thats what Davids praying about here. Thats also what we should pray so God can use us in exciting ways for His Kingdom.

The Joy of Salvation

Have you ever lost the joy of your salvation? King David certainly had! In Psalm 51 we see David repenting of his sins, and he ends this section with an appeal, O God, grant me a willing spirit. In other words, incline my heart to obey you, Lord. And then he says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.” King David had lost the joy because of his sin.

Having a joyful heart is an essential part of sharing the Good News — you have to truly believe its good in order to convince someone else of it! But I think many Christians today have lost the joy of knowing Jesus because of un-confessed sin. So let me ask you: Are you rejoicing in the Lord today? Are you truly happy in your heart? Are you free from your sins? Are you enjoying all the good things that God has for you, all the beauties of why its called “the Good News”?

If you are rejoicing, thats wonderful. But if you arent, then take time and let the Lord cleanse you today. Ask Him if theres an area in your life that needs to be settled, and then settle it right. Then the Lord can use you to spread the Gospel, because youll finally believe, yourself, that its good news!

The Christian Life Begins at Home

Children dont become Christians by osmosis. Its true that God has no grandchildren. As parents, we should deeply care that our children make a genuine commitment to Jesus Christ. We cant make the decision for them, but we can take an active part in leading our sons and daughters to a solid and lasting faith.

Proverbs 11:30 says “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he (or she) who wins souls is wise.”

Its thrilling to win someone to Jesus Christ. Your life may be full of exciting moments, but none will match that special time when your child gives their life to the Savior.

I made the decision to follow Christ at a summer camp. Still, the seed of the Gospel had been planted and watered by my parents at home. Its in the home where lifes most crucial curriculum is taught. God designed the home as the place where His word is to be taught, lived and passed on from generation to generation.

The Lord longs to welcome children into His family. Through our instruction, our example and our prayers we can have an active part in seeing God work in our childrens lives.