
Jenny’s Story

There is power in stories, isnt there? We love stories. We read them in books and articles and watch them on tv shows and movies. Let me tell you one story about a girl named Jenny.

When Jenny was a teenager, she and her boyfriend were playing around with witchcraft. A seance said they would die in a car crash. Just as predicted, Jenny was in a car crash a little while later, but she didnt die! God saved her life! God had other plans for her!

Soon after that happened, I was in Australia speaking in conjunction with Billy Grahams crusade. At one of the affinity events, God changed Jennys heart and she surrendered her life to Jesus. Jenny then told her boyfriend about what God had done in her life. He gave his life to Jesus too and now they are totally different! God changed them! Now they are Christian leaders and evangelists! What a powerful story!

Whats your story? You may not think its as exciting or glamorous as Jennys. But, that doesnt matter. God gave you a story too and He wants you to share it! The Bible encourages us to tell others what God has done in our lives. Tell someone today what He has done for you! All it takes is a simple story – and you have one!

Terri’s Story

When someone shares their story, we can step into their world. Listening to how God works in the lives of other people can encourage us as well. Let me tell you about Terri.

Terri was in the crowd at a recent festival where I shared the Good News. After I spoke, Terri told me that she was 55 years old and was at a crossroad in life. Her youngest of five daughters just graduated from high school and there were problems in the family.

At the festival, she realized that though she could not change or “fix” her family, she could change her own attitude – with Gods help. She said, “When my willpower dwindles, I look to His will.”

What a great reminder! Where do you look when your “willpower dwindles?” In the Bible, Jeremiah 29:13 says that you will find God when you seek Him with your whole heart.

Terris story reminds us to NOT look within ourselves. Instead, we must seek GOD for HIS will. Im so glad Terri shared her story with me. It was really encouraging. Wont you share YOUR story with someone today? God wants to touch the hearts of other people through what he has done in your life.

Safrin’s Story

Stories are powerful and can remind us of the bigger picture. You see, if we didnt share our stories with each other, we would not know what God is doing in other peoples lives.

But, since God designed us for relationships with people, He means for us to share whats going on in our lives and tell others how God is working.

Safrins story reminded me of Gods protection. Before she came to the Festival in Omaha this past summer, she knew her life needed to change. The day before the festival, she got a loud wakeup call.

The windows of Safrins car were shot out! She said, “By the grace of God, my life was spared in the gunfire.” But thats not all! She said the incident made her realize there really IS a God. She came to the Festival and rededicated her life to Jesus Christ!

Isnt that exciting! As the Psalms in the Bible declare, God is mightily protecting us. All it takes is one persons story to remind us of His protection.

Would you be so bold as to share YOUR story with someone today? Even if it doesnt seem interesting to you, you never know how God will use it. Your story might be just what someone needs to be reminded of Gods power and presence.

Rose’s Story

Do you feel alone in your walk with God? Do you think you are the only one who struggles with questions? Guess what? Youre NOT alone! Thats one of the blessings of being honest and telling others what you feel – youll discover that you are not alone!

Rose recently shared her story with me. She said that she dedicated her life to Jesus Christ in 2003 after watching a movie about Him. Since then, she has been trying very hard to keep God in her daily life, but its hard. She feels alone.

I do not know Rose well. But it sounds like she has had times of being pretty lonely. Thats why its so important to tell a trustworthy follower-of-Jesus when you give your life to the Lord – so that you will have accountability, friendship, and support.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

We need to be in fellowship with one another. We need to tell each other what is going on in our lives. God asks us to bear one anothers burdens. Please dont try to walk through life alone. Tell a trustworthy friend about what God has been doing in your life. Your story may bless them, and you will be blessed by telling them!

Beth’s Story

Do you think that miracles only happened back in biblical times? If you think that, youre mistaken, my friend. That is simply not true! There is lots of proof of Gods miracles – He is alive and active today!

Beth has a miracle story that she shared with me, and I want to share with you. At just 28 years of age, Beth was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia – a type of blood cancer. She did not know Jesus Christ. She spent 8 months in the hospital and thats where she came to know Jesus.

She wrote to me and said that her life is now “in the hands of God.” Then, a miracle happened! Beth wrote me and said that she has been Leukemia-free for four years now. Thats a miracle! Thank You, Jesus!

The book of Job tells us that God “performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted.”

To celebrate His miracles, we must SHARE His miracles. Will you do that today? Tell someone what God is doing in your life. Remind them of His miracles. Your story just may lead them to Christ. What could be better than that?