Guest Sunday
Today I want to talk about another little method to reach out to your world and to get people to hear the Good News – the great gospel of Jesus Christ – how He died on the cross, took away our sins, buried them forever and how He rose from the dead and is coming back to take us home.
In many churches they have what they call a “guest Sunday.” You might suggest it to your pastor, or the evangelism outreach pastor in your church – whatever – somebody who is in charge to make decisions.
In our church weve done it from time-to-time and for 3 or 4 Sundays ahead of time, the pastor announces and says were going to have a guest Sunday. Thats the Sunday he will particularly preach the Good News gospel, clearly, simply, with an opportunity for people to repent, to believe in Jesus Christ, and to be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life.
A guest Sunday in a local church is one of the great ideas that I have caught on to in the last 30 years of going around from church to church. I recommend to you that you talk to your leadership and tell them, “lets have every last Sunday of the month a guest Sunday so that all the church can invite their friends, and the counselors be ready to pray with them, to speak with them, and to give them super literature to go on with Jesus Christ.”
So remember, guest Sundays a good way to reach your world.