
Perhaps Today

I was taught as a little boy that Jesus is coming back someday to take His followers with Him to heaven. I think thats one of the most exciting subjects in all of the revelation of God! And Im ready to go! I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I have tried to be faithful to His call on my life.

But we dont know when Hes coming back, do we? When the Apostles asked Jesus about His return, He said, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know.”

God has a plan that He alone knows about. Yet He asks His followers to live as if Jesus Christ could come back at any moment.

Have you ever thought about how differently you would live if you knew Jesus would return tomorrow? Would you be bolder about sharing your beliefs with your family? Would you call up your college buddies, and plead with them to give their lives to Christ?

Jesus could come back in the very next hour. That truth should motivate you and me to do everything possible to reach the people in our world with the Good News. Remember, thats freedom from sins, a joyful life here on earth, and eternity in Heaven!

A Grand Adventure

There are a lot of good things in life, especially as a Christian — wouldnt you agree? And theres nothing wrong with those good things. But there is more to life, much more, than just the blessings of following Jesus. Theres a greater potential – a “best” life that God has for each one of us.

“So Luis,” you may ask, “how do I begin to experience this type of life?” That life comes when we realize that were not only here to enjoy Gods gifts and blessings. Were also here to be a part of Gods exciting rescue plan for the human race!

To live this life, you must allow Jesus to be involved and infused into every part of your life. This happens by staying close to Him on a daily basis, reading His Word, and letting His power work through you. You have to know Christ in a deep, personal way in order to speak convincingly about Him to others.

Philemon 6 says to be “active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”

If you want to experience the kind of life that God has intended for you to live, jump into His plan. Let Him use you in the great adventure of saving souls – theres nothing better!

Strength in Christ

Gods best isnt always what the world considers best. One of my favorite illustrations of this truth is the story of Joni Eareckson Tada.

Joni was paralyzed in an accident when she was a teenager. But instead of being bitter, Joni settled her disappointment with God and said, “OK, the Lord somehow has a plan for my life that is better than my dreams.”

Joni eventually met and married a fantastic guy. Today she sings, and she paints beautifully with a brush in her mouth. Joni also ministers to people in a way she never could have if she still walked. Shes being used of God to touch millions of disabled people, all over the world.

Is there someone, or something, that has crushed your hopes and dreams of a perfect life? God doesnt make mistakes! Whatever youve gone through, whatever your disabilities, or insufficiencies, or insecurities, God can use them for His glory!

In Second Corinthians 12 Jesus says to the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Ask God to use your weaknesses in a way you could never imagine for his Kingdom.

God Doesn’t Waste Pain

Are you going through a difficult season of life? Do you wonder why bad things happen to good people? Today I want to encourage you that the pain youre experiencing is for a purpose beyond what you can imagine.

Second Corinthians chapter one tells us that “The God of all comforts … comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

I learned this truth early on, as I watched my mothers reaction to my dads death. I was 10 years old when my dad died. His death left a terrible vacuum. But my mom rested in Christ, quoted the scriptures, believed that God had a purpose, and didnt despair. I learned a lot from my mom during that time.

Now I can see how my dads death, although incredibly painful at the time, has been used by God in powerful ways. For one, I can relate to others who have also lost loved ones. As I comfort them with the hope of Jesus Christ, many have come to know the Lord as their Savior.

So, whatever youre going through, remember that God knows whats best. Wait on Him and trust that in His timing, Hell use it for good in your life, and perhaps your experience will lead another to Christ.

Differences and Similarities: Faith

How can two people of different religious faiths meet in the middle? How can you as a Christian talk to a nonChristian about your faith in Jesus Christ?

It really isnt as complicated as we make it. In fact, key differences can actually serve as meeting points for you and the person with whom you wish to share the Gospel. One such difference is the issue of FAITH.

Ask your friend quite simply, “Where do you put your faith when things get hard?” Listen – really listen! – to his response. Step into his shoes. See things from his perspective.

He may say he trusts in SOMEONE to make things right. Maybe Buddha. Maybe himself. Or maybe he has faith in HISTORY – that all things “just work out.” Perhaps he has NO FAITH in anything right now. Just listen to his response.

Without judging, then share how Jesus Christ has made all the difference in your life. Explain that your faith in Jesus is not blind. The Bible says, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

Explain how Jesus has come through for you in tangible ways. If your friend questions you, your faith cannot be disproved. Your faith is real and valid. Share it today.