
Lives Changed by Missionaries

Recently I was honored to speak at one of the worlds largest

gatherings of believers seeking to enter the missions field. Missionaries from all over the world came to share their stories of sacrifice and service. Anyone who believes that a Christian life cant be exciting and purposeful should spend some time with these courageous ambassadors for Christ.

I have great love and admiration for missionaries. My father, my five sisters and I were each led to the Lord by overseas missionaries, and my wife Pat and I spent our early years in missions work throughout Latin America. Our sons have since joined us in our pursuit of the Great Commission – to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world – and I pray that several of our grandchildren are not far behind.

In John 20 we hear the words of Jesus – resurrected from the grave – as He challenges His disciples to share Gods love with the lost. “As the Father has sent me,” He says, “so I send you.”

Most of us have come to faith through the outreach of someone sent by God. As you grow in your faith, the Lords heart for the lost will become your heart as well. When that happens, whether its in your own neighborhood or in some distant land, you too will become a missionary – an ambassador for Christ.

Build Relationships

My friend Mark Mittelberg has taught evangelism training all over the world. Mark says hes noticed a consistent thread thats present in all cultures: “Friends listen to friends,” he says. Thats why establishing relationships is so important when it comes to sharing our faith.

A great example of this is in the Gospel of Luke. Were told about Matthew, a tax collector, who became a follower of Jesus. Matthew was in a perfect position to reach out to his buddies who were also tax collectors. So what did he do? He threw a party, man! He invited his friends, Jesus, and the disciples over for a meal and discussion. Great idea, dont you think?

Colossians 4:5 tells us to “be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” Matthew certainly did that — what about you? Try building relationships with your co-workers, students in your school, or another mom down the street. Then, host a “Matthew party” of your own! By establishing trusting relationships with this generation, theyll be more willing to hear about Jesus Christ. Not only how he changed your life — but how He can change theirs, too!

Asking the Right Questions

Todays generation of postmoderns tend to believe that truth is relative. They dont believe in absolutes. Many assume that Christianity is wrong, without actually thinking through what believing in Jesus Christ actually means.

So you and I have the opportunity, and privilege, to proclaim the truth of the Good News. And sometimes, all it takes is asking a simple question.

Francis Schaeffer, a famous pastor and theologian, was brilliant at asking leading questions of non-believers. He wouldnt try to steer people away from their erroneous beliefs. Instead, Schaeffer logically took them through their arguments, to expose the depravity of their non-Christian worldviews. Through his thoughtful questions, he led many people to faith in Jesus.

So the next time someone begins bad-mouthing Christianity, try asking: “How do you know that?” Or “Can you show me where you read that?” Or ask, “How do you explain the presence of evil and suffering?” Remember to also pray Ephesians 1 for your friends: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened…”

The Holy Spirit will prompt you with questions to ask. And He will prepare hearts to receive salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Share Your Story

Many postmoderns dont necessarily want to hear Christian doctrine or theology. Those topics can actually be real conversation-stoppers if thats how you start out. But your personal story is different. It can be a powerful way to open up spiritual discussions with your friends. Why? Because no one can dispute your claim of how God has radically transformed your life. Theres nothing to argue about. And actually, from my experience, most people will listen with interest.

The blind man in John chapter 9 is a great example of sharing a personal testimony. When questioned by the religious authorities about Jesus, this man didnt argue theology or philosophy. He just told them what happened by sharing his story: “One thing I do know… once I was blind, but now I see.”

Think about how God has rescued you from a life of spiritual blindness. Remember how He brought you into a relationship with His son, Jesus. Why not invite a friend to coffee and talk about your life stories. As you share about your own experience with God, youll be planting seeds of truth. Prayerfully, those seeds will lead to a harvest of righteousness in their soul!

God is Among Us

You know every time that you, by the Holy Spirit, open your mouth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, you should expect that something eternal is going to happen in this persons life. One of the signs of faith is that you simply believe in the power of the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of the words that He gives you to speak. God is at work at that moment and therefore you expect something grand to happen, something eternal, something of significance- that eternity itself will never erase. There shall be results, because God is speaking through you.

I love 1 Corinthians 14:25, it says that “the secrets of his heart will be laid bare, he will fall down and worship God exclaiming, God is really among you.” And you know thats one of the results that we all hope to see when we share the Good News, isnt it?

And yet we feel so incapable in ourselves- so impotent, so to speak, to do the job- but the Holy Spirit of God does His part, and when you share the Good News, simply believe and expect, by faith, because the Bible says so, that the person listening would say, “God is really with you. God is really here and Hes speaking to me.” He may not fall on his face physically, but in his heart he will repent, and honor God.