Practice Hospitality
Joe Aldrich used to be the president of Multnomah Bible College, where I went to seminary. He left a wonderful legacy of evangelism at that school. Joe believed in what he called “lifestyle evangelism.” He let his faith spill over into every part of his days and nights.
One of the ways Joe and his wife practiced lifestyle evangelism, was by opening up their home to international university students. Joe and his wife had many students in their home, night after night, cooking great meals for them, and making them feel comfortable in a strange new country. By their generous hospitality, the Aldrichs led many young people to the Lord.
Joes motto was always, “Love them til they ask you why.” He said students would be in their home night after night, until one of them would ask Joe, “Why do you care so much about us?” That was the open door for Joe to say that Christs love compelled him to love others. And he shared with them the Good News Gospel.
Having people over for dinner may be uncomfortable for you to do. But First Peter 4 charges us to “offer hospitality to one another.” By simply having a friend or neighbor over for a meal, you can reach them for Jesus Christ. So, why not do it tonight?