
Practice Hospitality

Joe Aldrich used to be the president of Multnomah Bible College, where I went to seminary. He left a wonderful legacy of evangelism at that school. Joe believed in what he called “lifestyle evangelism.” He let his faith spill over into every part of his days and nights.

One of the ways Joe and his wife practiced lifestyle evangelism, was by opening up their home to international university students. Joe and his wife had many students in their home, night after night, cooking great meals for them, and making them feel comfortable in a strange new country. By their generous hospitality, the Aldrichs led many young people to the Lord.

Joes motto was always, “Love them til they ask you why.” He said students would be in their home night after night, until one of them would ask Joe, “Why do you care so much about us?” That was the open door for Joe to say that Christs love compelled him to love others. And he shared with them the Good News Gospel.

Having people over for dinner may be uncomfortable for you to do. But First Peter 4 charges us to “offer hospitality to one another.” By simply having a friend or neighbor over for a meal, you can reach them for Jesus Christ. So, why not do it tonight?

Watch and Pray

The return of Jesus Christ to earth could literally be at any moment in time. Thats why Matthew 24 tells us, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

What does it mean to keep watch? Watch means to stay alert. Stay awake. Be ready. Be aware of the signs, then wisely and winsomely witness about the Lord Jesus with those in your world.

Watch also means spend time in the Word of God. Spend time on your knees. Do it before you go to work in the morning. When you go to bed at night, spend time meditating on the Scriptures. One of the best ways to reach your world is by teaching your family to understand the Word of God.

My Dad died when I was ten but I tell you he left us a legacy of reverence for the Bible. I have five sisters and one half-brother, and all of us have learned to reverence the Word of God, to love Jesus Christ, and to share Him with others.

Lets not become complacent in sharing our faith, because Jesus could return even today! So spend time with God. Teach your children to love His Word. And Ask the Lord to help you remain faithful in reaching your world with His message of Good News!

Leaving a Legacy

Moses left the children of Israel a legacy of faithfulness. He was obedient to Gods call on His life to free the Hebrew slaves and lead them to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34:12 says, “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” Thats a legacy!

In some ways, Moses reminds me of my dad. My dad received Christ at the age of 24 as a result of a missionary named Mr. Rogers. Only nine years later, my dad died. But what a legacy he left in those few, yet powerful, years! Mr. Rogers and my dad started local churches in nine towns outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also built a chapel in each of those towns. In addition they held street and tent meetings – sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. My dad lived a life that left me, and those he touched, a legacy of faithfulness and evangelism. He shared the Good News up until the day he died.

We can all live a life that counts if we surrender to Gods call for us. God has glorious ministry opportunities in store for you and for me. He wants us to lead people into a relationship with Himself, setting souls free from sin and death. So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will people remember you as one who evangelized?

Moving Men Through Prayer

My parents raised me on stories about missionaries from the 1800s since I was a little boy. Even today, I get excited when I hear the accounts of these great, amazing, courageous, men and women of God. It reminds me that we’re all called to ‘go preach the Good News.’

One of my favorite missionary heroes is Hudson Taylor. This Englishman was the first missionary to the interior of China. He later founded the China Inland Mission where he saw hundreds of missionaries follow him, establishing Gospel stations all over China.

Taylor’s motto was to “move men through God, by prayer.” He was a man who did everything, so to speak, on his knees before God, and the Lord honored that. I believe that’s why he was so astonishingly successful in his mission endeavors.

Hudson Taylor died a little over a hundred years ago, but his tremendous legacy follow him in China. Even atheists – national Chinese leaders, who I have met, know about him!

Do you spend time on your knees before the Lord, asking Him to move in the hearts of people who don’t know Him? Matthew 21:22 encourages us, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

So, let’s you and I follow Hudson Taylor’s lead, and continue praying for the lost people in our world. God has chosen you to work in answer to prayer.

Leaving a Legacy

Evangelism Lessons from Moses

Moses left the children of Israel a legacy of faithfulness. He was obedient to God’s call on His life to free the Hebrew slaves and lead them to the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 34:12 says, “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” That’s a legacy!

In some ways, Moses reminds me of my dad. My dad received Christ at the age of 24 as a result of a missionary named Mr. Rogers. Only nine years later, my dad died. But what a legacy he left in those few, yet powerful, years! Mr. Rogers and my dad started local churches in nine towns outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also built a chapel in each of those towns. In addition they held street and tent meetings – sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. My dad lived a life that left me, and those he touched, a legacy of faithfulness and evangelism. He shared the Good News up until the day he died.

We can all live a life that counts if we surrender to God’s call for us. God has glorious ministry opportunities in store for you and for me. He wants us to lead people into a relationship with Himself, setting souls free from sin and death. So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will people remember you as one who evangelized?