He Gives Us Power
All of us go through hard times in life, some worse than others. My mom became a widow when she was only 34 years old. Some relatives who were crooked took away everything my dad had accumulated, so we were left with almost nothing. My mom had to somehow provide for me and my five sisters and my young brother. There were times we barely had enough to eat, and didnt know where our next meal would come from.
But through those hard years, we learned a great lesson from my mom. She taught us that even while going through the awful things of life, you can depend on the indwelling presence of the living Jesus Christ for strength. He will get you through. Because Jesus is alive, everyone who believes in Him has the power — through the Holy Spirit — to face the battles of life.
Thats why Christians get so excited when you quote Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
How can I do all things? Because the resurrection tells me Christ has come to live within me, and since he lives within me, I have His indwelling power! Do you want this power today? Do you need it? Open your heart to believe in the Lord Jesus. He will give you power through the Holy Spirit to face anything that comes your way. He will do so immediately. Its the only way to live! And, its great!