
Biblical Stories

This Postmodern generation wants stories. They love stories. They learn from stories. And thats not bad. Its great to weave stories together as we present the Good News to this generation.

But, as we tell stories, we must always make sure that there is truth in the stories — Biblical truth! In the midst of being relevant to the culture, we need to be making the point of truth. And the truth of the Good News Gospel is centered on the doctrine of the cross. Jesus Christ shed His blood for the sins of the world.

That must be an essential part of the stories we share. Why? Because the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity. Without the belief that Christ actually died for our sins, rose again, and is alive today at the right hand of God, our religion is just that – religion. With no power to change lives. Remember, without the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

So when we share our faith, you and I must focus on the true story of Jesus Christs death the resurrection. Its amazing, powerful, Good News for a weary and broken world!

Learn Their Language

When missionaries train for cross-cultural ministry, they take classes to prepare them for living, and sharing Christ, in a foreign country. Among other things, learning the language of the people is essential to effectively share the Good News.

You and I also need to learn the right language to communicate with todays postmodern generation. Its important to realize that these people have little to no church background or Bible understanding. There is a basic ignorance of Christian beliefs and doctrines.

We must be careful to not speak in Christianese terms, which can be confusing to them. Instead, try communicating the Good News using language they understand.

For example, when talking about your relationship with Jesus, try using words like rescued and changed, and spiritually alive. Even simply saying youre a follower of Jesus, instead of a Christian, may be easier for someone to grasp.

St. Paul challenges us in 1st Corinthians 9 to, “become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” As you find creative ways to communicate your faith, those listening will better understand – and hopefully receive -the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Forget About It

Why is it that we cant remember where we put our car keys or our pencil but we can recall all the details about the moment someone disappointed us? We forget our kids birthdays, but dont forget when someone says something hurtful. Unless we learn how to forgive and forget, we will always live in the past. Bitterness or guilt will eat away at us.

In the Bible, Saul persecuted the Church. He committed terrible sins. Yet, after he became a believer in Jesus Christ, he was renamed Paul and said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Paul deliberately chose to forget his past failures through the power of the indwelling Christ in his life.

My friend, if you have confessed your sin to God, dont revisit it. God has forgotten your offense! It has vanished from His memory as though it never happened. You can choose right now to confess your sin, accept Gods forgiveness, and forget about it. Move forward in peace and let God use you to reach your world for Him! When you are free from guilt, you will be a powerfu

God Doesn’t Waste Pain

Are you going through a difficult season of life? Do you wonder why bad things happen to good people? Today I want to encourage you that the pain youre experiencing is for a purpose beyond what you can imagine.

Second Corinthians chapter one tells us that “The God of all comforts … comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

I learned this truth early on, as I watched my mothers reaction to my dads death. I was 10 years old when my dad died. His death left a terrible vacuum. But my mom rested in Christ, quoted the scriptures, believed that God had a purpose, and didnt despair. I learned a lot from my mom during that time.

Now I can see how my dads death, although incredibly painful at the time, has been used by God in powerful ways. For one, I can relate to others who have also lost loved ones. As I comfort them with the hope of Jesus Christ, many have come to know the Lord as their Savior.

So, whatever youre going through, remember that God knows whats best. Wait on Him and trust that in His timing, Hell use it for good in your life, and perhaps your experience will lead another to Christ.

Watch and Pray

The return of Jesus Christ to earth could literally be at any moment in time. Thats why Matthew 24 tells us, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

What does it mean to keep watch? Watch means to stay alert. Stay awake. Be ready. Be aware of the signs, then wisely and winsomely witness about the Lord Jesus with those in your world.

Watch also means spend time in the Word of God. Spend time on your knees. Do it before you go to work in the morning. When you go to bed at night, spend time meditating on the Scriptures. One of the best ways to reach your world is by teaching your family to understand the Word of God.

My Dad died when I was ten but I tell you he left us a legacy of reverence for the Bible. I have five sisters and one half-brother, and all of us have learned to reverence the Word of God, to love Jesus Christ, and to share Him with others.

Lets not become complacent in sharing our faith, because Jesus could return even today! So spend time with God. Teach your children to love His Word. And Ask the Lord to help you remain faithful in reaching your world with His message of Good News!