
“Yes, and here’s more”

Australian David Smallbone felt Gods call on his life to promote Christian concerts. He started in his home country, then moved to the United States, where his career went from bad to worse. Soon he had no job at all. He and his wife prayed to God for help.

Then, interesting things began to happen. God provided bags of groceries, a minivan, and odd jobs. But the biggest surprise? A recording contract for Davids oldest daughter, Rebecca, when she was just fifteen years old. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James. Rebecca St. James quickly became one of the hottest Christian artists in America. And David began promoting his own daughters sold-out concerts!

All along, God knew what He was doing. Sometimes God will answer our requests with, “Yes, and heres MORE!” In the Bible, the Lord says, “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and … to give you hope and a future.”

Get ready for Gods answer to your prayers when you pray that your friends will come to know Him. He loves to draw people to His side and just may do MORE than we dare ask for. So, dont give up. Keep praying and keep sharing the love of Christ!

A Blue Christmas

Have you ever heard of the song, “Blue Christmas?” Elvis Presley used to sing it. Its about a man who is feeling down because his loved one is not with him on Christmas. Hes pretty depressed, really, and thats how a lot of people feel during the holidays. They feel alone, afraid and uncared for.

Maybe you or someone you know is going through a “Blue Christmas.” Perhaps you have had a disappointment this year. A tornado… a flood? Maybe youve lost a job. Maybe a family member died or theres something else that just didnt turn out the way you had planned.

The truth is: We live in a sinful, fallen world. Things dont always happen the way we expect. But the miracle of Christmas is hope because when Jesus Christ comes into our lives, hope comes alive. We have hope because God is with us. He is good and He will never leave us. Jesus comes to live in our hearts and transform us, giving us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

If your friend is depressed, this Christmas invite her or him over for some hot cider. Encourage them with the promise found in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.”

Job Fair in Tirunelveli

Date : 5 December 2009

Place : Centenary Hall, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu

Last date to receive Applications : 20 November 2009


10th Pass / Computer Course / Diploma / Any Degree / BE


  1. Catering Professionals
  2. Medical Transcription
  3. Software Professionals
  4. BPO (Voice)
  5. Technicians
  6. Civil & Mechanical Engineer


Secretary Youth Association,
2/1. Centenary Hall Campus,

Call now09791814750 /0462 2578765

Search Your Heart

An interesting survey was recently done by the Barna Group. They asked young people to share what kind of perceptions came to mind when the word Christianity was mentioned. The top three observations that came to mind about Christians were: anti-homosexual, judgmental, and hypocritical. Thats pretty sad, isnt it?

Now, Im not saying that all Christians exhibit these kinds of attitudes. But its important to realize that theres a reason many people have very negative perceptions of Christianity. Thats why I believe each one of us should examine our own hearts and minds in light of this topic.

We need to remember that were all sinners. Even the apostle Paul said in First Timothy, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst!” You and I dont need to point out peoples sins to them – thats the Holy Spirits job!

Think about how Jesus treated the lost. He loved people right where they were at. And because of that, sinners lives were changed. They believed. They wanted to follow the Lord.

Christs perfect balance of love, grace, and truth is a great example for us all to follow.

The Unfinished Task

The unfinished task is the task of winning the world to Jesus Christ. This is the one job that will never be finished – no matter how hard or how long we work. For you workaholics listening, that is good news! We will always have work to do!

But, even though there will always be people who need to hear about Jesus Christ, dont be discouraged. Let that fact make your resolve to share your faith even stronger! Remember what it says in Timothy? “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” I think this power, love, and self-discipline is holy boldness. Boldness to tell our world about Christ.

Are you willing to be filled with holy boldness? Do you sense the urgency of our unfinished task?

Make yourself available to share Gods Good News with others. He will honor you. As a worker in Gods harvest, filled with holy boldness, you will not be disappointed. Winning the world to Jesus Christ is an enormous task. But, lets not give up. Lets press on together.