
“Yes, and here’s more”

Australian David Smallbone felt Gods call on his life to promote Christian concerts. He started in his home country, then moved to the United States, where his career went from bad to worse. Soon he had no job at all. He and his wife prayed to God for help.

Then, interesting things began to happen. God provided bags of groceries, a minivan, and odd jobs. But the biggest surprise? A recording contract for Davids oldest daughter, Rebecca, when she was just fifteen years old. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James. Rebecca St. James quickly became one of the hottest Christian artists in America. And David began promoting his own daughters sold-out concerts!

All along, God knew what He was doing. Sometimes God will answer our requests with, “Yes, and heres MORE!” In the Bible, the Lord says, “For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and … to give you hope and a future.”

Get ready for Gods answer to your prayers when you pray that your friends will come to know Him. He loves to draw people to His side and just may do MORE than we dare ask for. So, dont give up. Keep praying and keep sharing the love of Christ!

Hope for Family Members

I have a friend named John who opened his heart to Jesus Christ when he was in high school. John soon began sharing His love for the Lord with his mother, Shirley. Now, Shirley was a lovely lady, but she resisted the Good News for years.

One day my team and I were having a big evangelistic festival on the waterfront near her apartment. When she heard the message of Christ through her apartment window, and our parallel TV telecast, Shirley opened her heart to Christ. And two months to the day, the Lord took her home to be with Himself. I am so glad Shirley is now “at home with the Lord” in heaven, to quote the Bible!

If youre a Christian, chances are theres someone in your family who does not know the Lord. Let me encourage you to make the most of this Christmas season and share the Good News with them. Take them to a Christmas Eve service. Afterwards, ask them what they thought of it. Or go to their home and sing carols around the piano and then read the Christmas story from Luke chapter two.

Go shopping, have lunch, and ask leading questions. Shower them with God-given love and, most of all, offer them the opportunity to give their hearts to Christ. Remember the words of the Lord from Isaiah, “Now is the time of Gods favor, now is the day of salvation.”

Excuses, Excuses

When I lived in Mexico City, I would chat occasionally with my next-door neighbor. But I didnt share the Gospel with him. I told myself that I didnt need to talk to him about Jesus because he seemed happy just as he was. In time, my neighbor changed. The joy left his face. He and his wife started driving separate cars to work. I could tell their marriage was souring. I felt I should talk with him, but I didnt want to meddle in his life. I went about my business and headed off for an evangelistic crusade in Peru. When I returned home, I learned my neighbor had killed himself. I was heartbroken. I knew I should have gone to him and persuaded him to repent and follow Christ. But, because of silly excuses, I didnt do it. We must not make excuses for not telling people about Jesus Christ. The Bible says Christians are, “Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” Friends, lets be bold in our faith! Dont do what I did. Dont walk past an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus. The world is literally dying without Jesus Christ.

Sharing Our Faith isn’t Easy

Sharing our faith isnt always easy – I know! As a young man, I was convinced I didnt have the gift of evangelism. No matter how hard I tried, no one was coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I remember giving God a deadline: “If I dont see any converts by the end of the year, Im quitting.” I would still be an active Christian, but I planned to resign myself from striving to win the lost to Jesus Christ. The end of the year came and went. No converts. Now I was SURE I didnt have the gift of evangelism. Then, about four days into the new year, I met someone who said, “Please tell me how I can get a pure heart.” Together we looked at the Bible. It says, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” That was the answer! That evening, this person found peace with God and went home with a pure heart overflowing with joy. How delightful it was to lead this person to Jesus Christ! You can do the same. YOU can lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ. But you must boldly ask God to use you. And then you must respond when He gives you the opportunity. He will help you, but you must first be willing.

Where and Why Should We Go?

I truly believe that God talks through mothers. In my youth, I was waiting for my personal call from God, that moment when the Lord would tell me that evangelism would be my lifes work. Finally, my exasperated mother reminded me that “the call” was made 2000 years ago, and that the Lord was just waiting for my answer. She was right as usual.

Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade, once said that “an effective witness is someone who takes the initiative to present the claims of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit- and leaves the results to God.”

As Christians, were all in the missions field. Some of us will travel to distant, often dangerous lands, but most of us will find people hungering for the Good News much closer to home. Either way, we stand in the gap, living out and proclaiming our faith and leaving the rest up to God.

The Apostle Paul was historys greatest missionary, taking the Gospel to much of the known world before planes, trains and automobiles. As he told the Corinthians, “we are speaking for Christ, as though God Himself were making his appeal through us.” That is our task as missionaries, as Ambassadors for Christ, wherever we are.