
Triumphal Procession

The apostle Paul worked tirelessly for the sake of the Good News Gospel. He endured hardship that most of us will never comprehend – all because of His love for Jesus Christ. But Paul was still human, and even someone of his caliber makes mistakes.

Paul reveals one of his mistakes in Chapter 2 of Second Corinthians. He says, “Now when I went to Troas to preach the Gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me, I still had no peace of mind…so I said good-bye to them and went on to Macedonia.”

Paul admits that the Lord opened a door for Him to share the Good News in Troas, but he didnt do it. Instead, he left. Paul disobeyed the Holy Spirits leading.

And yet, the great thing about this passage is what Paul writes next. “But thanks be to God,” he says, “who always leads us in triumphal procession and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.”

God is so much bigger than the mistakes we make! Paul realized that, and its an important reminder for you and me as well. If you have disobeyed the Holy Spirit, simply confess it to the Lord. Ask for another opportunity, and for the boldness to do what Hes called you to do. God will use you again, in tremendous ways!

Accessing Godly Wisdom

Sandy was a young woman whom my wife and I met a few years ago. At 36 years old, Sandy had been married three times, and had six children. She had recently ended a relationship, she said, because her boyfriend would choke her and beat up on her.

Sandy said she loved her kids, but they didnt want anything to do with her. “I need help,” Sandy told me. “Im so confused, and I just want peace.”

Wow, talk about a woman in need of the Lords direction and wisdom! I had a long conversation with Sandy, and eventually ended up leading her to the Lord, which was the best decision she could make!

Many people, like Sandy, are searching for peace of mind and heart. But the only way to have true peace is to have the mind of Jesus Christ, which happens the moment you receive Him into your life.

Romans 8:6 tells us that “the mind controlled by the Spirit [of God] is life and peace.”

Receiving thoughts and direction from God, through the Holy Spirit, is the only way to live! Is there someone in your life looking for this kind of peace? Take a risk! Tell them that the only way to experience true peace is through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Your Spiritual Letter of Recommendation

Most of us at some point have asked for, or perhaps written, a letter of recommendation. In the early days of the church it was common to write such letters. These letters verified that a person was a church member of good standing and was truly walking with God.

When the apostle Paul was asked by the Corinthians for such a letter, he told them that “you yourselves are our letters of recommendation, written on our hearts…not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God.” He was telling them that they were his living letter and all the recommendation that was needed.

As Paul points out, either we have handwritten approval from man, or divine approval from the Holy Spirit. Our lives show where our approval comes from. Just as a doctors reputation is the proof of his or her abilities – so the impact of our lives on the lives of others is the living proof of our relationship with Jesus.

A Spirit-filled believer doesnt have to present a Christian letter of recommendation. Everything about that person gives witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Are you living proof of Jesus? Do people see Him through your life?


Its no accident that the first of the ten commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Jesus also told us in the gospel of John that we should worship the Lord our God, and serve Him alone. The apostle Paul tells us that worshiping God pleases God. The book of Hebrews says that worship also draws us near to God, and Him to us. By worshiping the Lord, we acknowledge His true perfection and power.

So what does all this talk about worship have to do with evangelism? Why everything! If we want to be authentic Christians who make a difference in our world, we need to worship! In public and in private – with our whole lives! Romans chapter 12 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”

As you worship God, He will reveal His character in you. When you give Him His rightful place in your life, He will be able to use you! Hell increase your compassion for the lost. And youll want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone you meet. So worship God today and He will prepare you for great things and your cup will run over with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and youll be a blessing and youll reach out to others in a winsome way.

Our Heavenly Home

It’s amazing how much Abraham saw by faith. In Hebrews 11:10 it says that “he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”

It’s fascinating to think that Abraham could look forward to heaven. I mean, he didn’t have the Bible. He had never heard of Jesus Christ. He didn’t know about the Holy Spirit. He didn’t know about the blood of the cross. Yet in the distance he could see heaven because of His faith in Almighty God.

I am amazed how many Christians don’t think about heaven much at all. We believers ought to be specialists in heaven. We ought to know everything there is to be known from the Scripture, and know by faith that’s exactly where we’re going. We have the Old and New Testaments that tells us all about heaven. It’s one of the glorious reasons we can celebrate that we know Jesus Christ! Study John chapters 10 – 14, for instance.

Jesus tells us heaven is our home. It’s made for us. He has prepared it. Let’s not be ashamed. Let’s talk about it with boldness. You’d be amazed how many non-believers want to know what heaven is all about, and how they can get there. Will you be the one to tell them? Will you try to reach your world?