Family Worship Times
One of the greatest ways you can reach your world with the Good News Gospel is by living it out in your family. Christianity found only in a church sanctuary is about as helpful as a car that never leaves the garage! We’ve got to lead our families into authentic, daily worship. Worship that begins at home and then overflows into the rest of life-at the grocery store, at the workplace, on the golf course. Following Christ isn’t just a Sunday thing! A Christian is a Christian 24-7!
Psalm chapter 1 says of the man (or woman) who is blessed by God, “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Make following Christ a part of daily life by having regular family worship times. Read the Bible together and discuss it. Sing a favorite hymn or chorus. Pray for each other. What about involving your children in ministry? Or making holidays and traditions spiritually meaningful? Invite missionaries into your home?
Whatever you do, show your children how to worship God with their whole lives-not just on Sunday. You’ll make an eternal impact not just on your family, but on every person who witnesses what living for Christ is really all about.