
Share Your Faith this Christmas

Did you know that when Christ says “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life” hes actually talking about today? Yes, it was true 2,000 years ago. Jesus was walking on earth in a human body. But Jesus Christ is just as alive today, friends. We must never forget that! Yes, he died on the cross to forgive us all our sins. But, He rose from the dead. Death couldnt hold him.

This Christmas, talk about a Christmas of light. Tell your family and friends about Jesus. A Christmas of light is a Christmas lived in the presence of Jesus Christ, who said “I am the light of the world.”

As you go through your holiday routine, tell people about what Jesus has done in your life. When youre shopping for Christmas presents, let the cashier know that Jesus loves them. When youre making Christmas dinner, tell your family what Jesus has done in your life.

Read Luke 2 with your children. Teach them the meaning of Christmas. Dont let this Christmas come and go without focusing on Jesus Christ. During the Christmas season people may be more open to learn about Jesus. Right now is a great opportunity to tell other people what Jesus means to you.

Offering Hope to Others

Theres a popular song that says Christmas is the “hap, hap, happiest time of the year!” But, the reality is: The holidays can be a real low point for some people, especially if they have been experiencing troubles in the past year.

Maybe you know someone like this. They have gone through one thing after another and now the holidays are approaching. They need more than reindeer and mistletoe; they need real comfort and guidance. Divine.

Sit down with your friend and tell him or her the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. Now theres a man who went through some tough times! His brothers beat him up and sold him into slavery. Joseph is then wrongly accused by his employer and sent to prison to rot.

Its a long story, and Ill let you read it with your friend, but the end result is Joseph trusts in God and becomes the second-in-command in Egypt. God gives him great power and wealth to oversee the people. Joseph even reunites with his family and says to his brothers, “You meant it for evil but God meant it for good.”

Pray with your friend and remind them that supernaturally Christ was born of the blessed Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. And later Christ died so we, like Joseph, can have strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. God longs to use you, so speak up!

How to Find Real Hope

Sometimes our world tries to cover up the real reason we celebrate Christmas. We get too concerned about being politically correct and we say things like, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Were worried well offend somebody or even get sued. But, we really cant take the “Christ” out of “Christmas.” Hes the only reason we can celebrate anything in the first place. Hope is found only in Him.

Whether were from a Catholic or Protestant background or perhaps Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu, in our heart of hearts we know that we all need hope. Real hope, a living expectation, comes when we know that Jesus Christ is truly alive because He rose from the dead. Death couldnt hold Him because he is God the Son. He is Almighty. The key to finding hope is confessing to God that we are sinners and we need Him to forgive and purify us. And the great thing is: Hell never turn us down.

Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The virgin birth of Jesus set the stage for Gods rescue plan.

Pray for your friends of various religious persuasions and ask the Lord for boldness to actually, yet carefully, share the hope of Jesus Christ with them. He is, after all, the only way they can truly have a merry Christmas.

A Blue Christmas

Have you ever heard of the song, “Blue Christmas?” Elvis Presley used to sing it. Its about a man who is feeling down because his loved one is not with him on Christmas. Hes pretty depressed, really, and thats how a lot of people feel during the holidays. They feel alone, afraid and uncared for.

Maybe you or someone you know is going through a “Blue Christmas.” Perhaps you have had a disappointment this year. A tornado… a flood? Maybe youve lost a job. Maybe a family member died or theres something else that just didnt turn out the way you had planned.

The truth is: We live in a sinful, fallen world. Things dont always happen the way we expect. But the miracle of Christmas is hope because when Jesus Christ comes into our lives, hope comes alive. We have hope because God is with us. He is good and He will never leave us. Jesus comes to live in our hearts and transform us, giving us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

If your friend is depressed, this Christmas invite her or him over for some hot cider. Encourage them with the promise found in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.”

Who Needs Church, Anyway?

A recent study by the Barna Group found that more than 13 million Americans identified as born again believers were considered unchurched. That is, they hadnt attended a church service, other than for a Holiday, in at least six months.

My wife Pat recently co-wrote a book with her friend Peggy Sue Wells titled “What to do when you dont want to go to church.” During their research Peggy and Pat talked to hundreds of Christians who no longer attend church. Their reasons ranged from issues of doctrine and policy to more mundane things such as parking, pews, and the volume of the music.

If youre among the 13 million unchurched believers, whats your favorite excuse? The Bible clearly states the importance of the local church. “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” it says in Hebrews. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”

Is it time you took a fresh look at your church and asked yourself what you can personally bring to encourage others? If you come with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, your presence can bless both you and your congregation.