

You may have heard the saying, “Practice random acts of kindness.” I like it. But did you know that there is an entire movement based on this concept? Theres actually something called the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Their motto? “Do kindness.”

People reach out to others in an effort to make life better for them. Some raise funds to help kids who use wheelchairs. Others give out hamburgers to hungry people on the street. One little girl collected books, toys, and stuffed animals to give to kids in the hospital. She wanted everyone to have a friend to hold onto. Thats touching. Its a great concept.

Jesus calls His followers to something on top of good deeds. He calls us to evangelism! “Go and proclaim the Good News” he said. The heart of Christ is that others would know Him and experience the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, reaching out in love and kindness to others is certainly something God expects every Christian to do, everyday. But it should never replace the call of the Great Commission.

Evangelism is social action. It is the greatest act of kindness in the whole universe. We should share with others how to experience a personal relationship with Jesus and with God the Father, giving them the hope of eternal life and heaven when they die. So, do good deeds on a practical level and do the greatest good deed… give people the Good News of the cross and resurrection of Christ.

The Promise

The promise of the Messiah was made hundreds of years before he ever came. There were a few who believed, and they were waiting for Him. Among them were Simeon and Anna. The experts say Simeon was way into his 80s. And Anna was 84. They were getting pretty old! But they spent every single day in the temple in Jerusalem, praying and waiting, waiting, waiting.

People no doubt mocked them. You can imagine everybody saying, “Yeah, yeah, youre going to see the Messiah. Sure, youre going to hold him in your arms, Simeon.” But Simeon and Anna didnt waver in unbelief. And one day they were rewarded for their faithfulness. The Messiah did finally come into the temple. Simeon did hold Him in his arms as a baby. What an incredible day that must have been!

Weve got to be faithful, too. We cant give in to those jeering voices in our heads that keep us from proclaiming Jesus Christ! And one day we, too, will be rewarded for our faithfulness. Those who are here on Earth waiting for the Messiah will see Him come again.

Revelation 1:7 says, “Look, he is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see him.” What a glorious day that will be and weve got to tell people about it. Many people have no idea that Jesus is coming again and those who love Him will go home to be with Him in heaven.

A Calling from God

Im talking about Moses becoming a good example for you and me. Moses had a sense of calling from God. It took many years for that calling to be realized, but once it happened, Moses made history!

Moses brought a million and a half Israelites out of Egypt. The Red Sea parted with a touch of his staff. God used him to set the captives free who had been in bondage for over 400 years!

Do you have an inner sense of calling from God? Each one of us has an idea of how God wants to use us. As followers of Jesus, were commanded to set the captives of Satan free by proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ. And because were all made uniquely with specific gifts, God has a special purpose for you thats different from his purpose for me.

John 15:16 says, “You didnt choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last.”

God wants to use you in extraordinary ways to bring others into the Kingdom of Heaven. So whats your calling? Spend time with God. Listen to Him. As you read the Holy Bible, listen to His Word. Get on your knees and say, “God, speak to me. Lay on my heart what am I supposed to do.” I guarantee it! The Lord will show you the next step, and the next, and open up the doors into that great calling for you – just as He did with Moses!

Heavenly Assurance

When I think about what God offers us through His son Jesus Christ, I find it staggering! He forgives all of our sins – one hundred percent. He also gives us His Holy Spirit to live within us.

But the most staggering thing of all probably is that He offers us the only way to Heaven. And that isn’t just a nice thought. It’s an absolute assurance!

The Lord tells us, when you die, you’re going straight to Heaven. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:8, “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.”

Too many people simply don’t have the assurance of Heaven. Did you know? Unfortunately, we live in an age where it isn’t very popular to say that Jesus is only one way.

And yet, if you believe the Bible, you can’t deny the truth that Christ is the only way to the Father. And we’re commanded to tell the world about Him!

So be sensitive, but speak the truth in love to those who are searching for answers. It may be someone you work with, go to school with, or sit next to on a plane. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question like, “Where do you think you’ll go when you die?” It’s a great conversation starter.

You’ll be amazed by how that one question may lead to their salvation! So try it and God will use you.

Our Heavenly Home

It’s amazing how much Abraham saw by faith. In Hebrews 11:10 it says that “he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”

It’s fascinating to think that Abraham could look forward to heaven. I mean, he didn’t have the Bible. He had never heard of Jesus Christ. He didn’t know about the Holy Spirit. He didn’t know about the blood of the cross. Yet in the distance he could see heaven because of His faith in Almighty God.

I am amazed how many Christians don’t think about heaven much at all. We believers ought to be specialists in heaven. We ought to know everything there is to be known from the Scripture, and know by faith that’s exactly where we’re going. We have the Old and New Testaments that tells us all about heaven. It’s one of the glorious reasons we can celebrate that we know Jesus Christ! Study John chapters 10 – 14, for instance.

Jesus tells us heaven is our home. It’s made for us. He has prepared it. Let’s not be ashamed. Let’s talk about it with boldness. You’d be amazed how many non-believers want to know what heaven is all about, and how they can get there. Will you be the one to tell them? Will you try to reach your world?