
Just Do It

The indwelling, living Holy Spirit longs to lead you and I in successful evangelism. Romans 8:14 tells us this. It says these fabulous words, “…those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” There you have it – the Holy Spirit of God leads us in every situation, every day. Isnt that awesome?

Now, being led by the Spirit takes some practice. As we learn more about the Lord, and grow in our relationship with Him, we begin discerning His voice. In fact, Gods Spirit is calling you today – right now! Do you recognize His voice?

If you feel Him prodding you in a certain direction, do what He says. When the Spirit puts a thought in your heart, do it as quickly as you possibly can. Dont delay. Dont start analyzing and wondering where the thought came from.

Just do it and see what will happen. When you obey, youll experience exciting results in your evangelism efforts. And youll also realize that you can, indeed, hear the Lords voice!

As you spend time in the Word, and in prayer, youll be more conscious of the Holy Spirits presence. Then, when He leads you to share Gods love with your world, youll know what to do! And the results will be changed lives!

The Light of Life

Jesus Christ says, “I am the light of the world. If anyone follows me they will not walk in darkness but they will have the light of life.” What kind of life is he talking about? Its Eternal Life. Eternal life is the life of God in the soul of man. As this Christmas rolls around, I want you to experience Jesus Christ for yourself.

Friends, there is one who has power to forgive sin and make the light shine. He can change your heart. Jesus Christ wants to give you eternal life. He is the one who assures us by saying, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”

But, dear friends, you have to make a decision. It isnt enough to say “gee that sounds good.” You have to know him for yourself. Life can change instantly, if you open your heart to Christ.

If you trust His promises, and rest in Him, you will be forgiven. Youll have the peace of God. Youll become a child of God. Youll receive the Holy Spirit. Youll receive eternal life. When you give your heart to Jesus the light of the world fills your soul. Will you give your heart to Jesus Christ today?

Encourage One Another

Why do we, as Christians, sometimes hold back from sharing the Good News? Is it because, quite simply, people can get really put off when we mention the name of Jesus. We dont like to offend, and we dont want someone thinking were weird, or that were judging them.

So its just easier to stop talking about our faith altogether. Yet, Jesus commands us to continue reaching our world – to not give up, to be steadfast – even when people mock us. Because, when we stop actively sharing our faith, we begin drifting away from the purpose God has for our lives.

Were warned about this kind of spiritual drifting in Hebrews 3:12 and 13: “See to it brothers, that none of you has an unbelieving heart, that turns away from the living God.” Then the writer goes on to say, “Encourage one another daily …so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness.”

The sin of being ashamed of Jesus is deceitful, isnt it? It can be so subtle that we dont even recognize it. So how can we protect ourselves and others from this sin? “Encourage one another daily!” We all need encouragement! So lets encourage our brothers and sisters to keep spreading the Good News. Its the best way to protect ourselves from the sin of silence

A Second Chance

Are you in a spiritual crisis? At some time or another, most people come to a place of crisis in their faith. Maybe you used to be on fire; you were excited about Jesus Christ; you were joyful; you loved talking about the Lord.

Then, like a slow leak in a tire, you began to lose momentum. The joy disappeared; and the fire fizzled out. Now youre settling for a mediocre existence, and the last thing you think about is evangelism!

Does any of that describe what youre going through? If so, dont despair – there is hope for change! The answer is found in Romans 12:1&2. In this passage, Paul urges believers to “offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy, pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”

What does this look like? It means you come to the Lord. You confess to Christ where youre at. You fall on your face and present yourself as a living sacrifice to God. Its a re-commitment, in a sense, of your life to Christ.

And then, as Romans goes on to tell us, Jesus begins transforming your mind and heart so that you desire what He desires. His passions become your passions. His priorities become your priorities – including Christs heart for the lost.

We’re all Called

William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, is one of my heroes! He had a famous quote hed say to Christians who said they werent called to share the Good News.

“Not called?” Hed ask. “No, Not heard the call, I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin!”

Wow – those are pretty strong words, arent they? But thats why I like men like William Booth. They confidently spoke what they knew of God and Jesus Christ, and exhorted others to do the same. No excuses. No apologies. There was no reason not to pour their hearts and souls into evangelism!

Jesus prayed for His followers in John 17:18. “As you sent me into the world,” He said, “I have sent them into the world.” Jesus has sent you into your world, too. Whether thats to a foreign land, your cubicle at work, or in your neighborhood book club.

Wherever God has placed you, Hes done it for the purpose of influencing those around you with the Good News. So lets take William Booths challenge to heart. Lets you and I listen to Gods call, and pull sinners out of the fire of sin.