
Sharing Our Faith isn’t Easy

Sharing our faith isnt always easy – I know! As a young man, I was convinced I didnt have the gift of evangelism. No matter how hard I tried, no one was coming to faith in Jesus Christ. I remember giving God a deadline: “If I dont see any converts by the end of the year, Im quitting.” I would still be an active Christian, but I planned to resign myself from striving to win the lost to Jesus Christ. The end of the year came and went. No converts. Now I was SURE I didnt have the gift of evangelism. Then, about four days into the new year, I met someone who said, “Please tell me how I can get a pure heart.” Together we looked at the Bible. It says, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin.” That was the answer! That evening, this person found peace with God and went home with a pure heart overflowing with joy. How delightful it was to lead this person to Jesus Christ! You can do the same. YOU can lead someone to faith in Jesus Christ. But you must boldly ask God to use you. And then you must respond when He gives you the opportunity. He will help you, but you must first be willing.

Lonely without the Creator

I recently had a conversation with an atheist who disagreed when I suggested that atheists are lonely people. He questioned me, saying, “How do you know this?” He had a good point. I cannot say that every atheist is empty in every area of life- of course not. But I do know that spiritually, every atheist is empty.

An atheist can be lonely because he is very much on his own if he doesnt have a connection with His Creator. There is a certain lack of peace of mind and heart until you know where you came from and where youre going. Your spirit is dead even though body and soul are functioning.

John Paul Sartre, the atheist French philosopher, said, “Man is alone, abandoned to his own destiny.” Thats an expression of a person who doesnt know God- Sartre didnt know God. But if you know God, you have a purpose! Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Who in your life is spiritually empty? Ask God to reveal someone to you today. Then, reach out to this person! Only Jesus can fill their void of loneliness. You and I know this to be true. And we know people who havent accepted this truth, dont we.

Respect them in their unbelief, but encourage them to remain open to Gods prompting. Encourage them to read the Gospel of John in particular, and say, if you really want to know God, you will find Him very quickly.

In His Time

For the last five years in my church, our pastor kept saying, “Were looking to God for something new in our church.” He didnt know what it was going to be, but he kept believing and saying, “God wants to do something new.”

Year after year went by, but nothing seemed to be happening. In the end, some people got frustrated, and said, Why does he keep saying that? Nothing new is happening at all!” It was a difficult time.

But you know what? Just this past year, new things have begun in our church. Exciting changes are taking place! God is doing moving and were thrilled! Our pastor was right! Things are changing! But, even before we could see the changes, our Pastor didnt turn from the vision God had given him.

Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.” The Lord wants you and I to dream great dreams for reaching our world. But we need to be patient as we wait on Him, pray, and seek His face.

Remember, Gods timing is perfect. When He takes you through a season of waiting, Hes preparing you. And when Hes ready, watch out! Because the floodgates of heaven will open as you see your evangelistic dreams accomplished to Gods glory!

What’s Done for Christ will Last

My wife Pat often quotes the saying, “Only one life twill soon be past. Only whats done for Christ will last.” I like that. Our lives will fly by faster than we expect. The apostle Paul reminds us of that when he says “you are a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes.” So what are we doing to make a difference for eternity?

Ive met many believers who reflect the outward signs of committed Christians. Theyre involved in their churches. They love the Bible. Still, they seem to be stalled in their Christian walk. Theyre not growing in their faith, theyre not joyful and theyre not filled with the Holy Spirit.

Its so sad because theyre passing up opportunities to share their faith! So, how do we followers of Christ re-kindle the passion that first brought us to Him?

The answer is to get back to the basics. Re-surrender and welcome Christ back into your heart. Pray and worship. Read and meditate on your Bible. Share your faith with someone who needs to know Jesus. As you watch the Lord work, youll discover a new enthusiasm for the things of God.

Is it Time to Re-Surrender?

Some years ago I was visiting a church where a successful Christian businessman was telling his story to the congregation. “As a young man,” he said, “I answered an altar call to follow Christ and I surrendered all. I accepted Christ into my life and gave Him everything!” From somewhere in the back of the church a voice rang out – “I dare you to do it again!”

Many of us, when we were young, surrendered all to the Lord. It seemed easy to do when all we owned was a few pairs of jeans and a beat up car. Maybe thats why God often uses young people – because young men and women are more willing to give everything to the Lord.

Today, listen to Gods voice: is He challenging you once again to surrender all to Him? Dont hold back! Hebrews 3:15 says, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”

I pray that you will hear Gods call to re-surrender and re-commit your lives to His service. Once you do, youll experience a renewal of your spiritual passion that will strengthen you as you reach out to others with the Good News. When you surrender yourself 100% to proclaiming the way of salvation, God can use you in a big way.