
The Basic Gospel

I have a great friend in Connecticut. His name is Reg Jones. And one day he approached me. He said “tell me how to be a better witness for Christ.” Now, I want you to know that Reg is a very good witness for Jesus Christ. His life is impeccable. His testimony is clear. He walks in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit – he and his wife.

But, you know, he is so eager to share the Good News. He mingles a lot with politicians and heavy-hitting business men near New York city. And therefore, I was so pleased when Reggie said that to me. So, here are a few suggestions that I gave to Reg and Im going to give it to you.

First, always your witness for Christ has got to include the crucifixion, the blood of Jesus, and the fact that He took away the sins of the world. Otherwise, it really isnt the Gospel, you know what I mean?

Second, youve gotta emphasize the resurrection. Many people believe Christ died and know about the story, but the resurrection is essential. Christ rose from the dead on the third day and he was seen by hundreds of people.

Thirdly, you must include that they must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so they can be saved. (That was the verse that struck me as a little boy.) And then fourthly, they must receive Him by faith in their hearts with repentance.

That is the basic Gospel and that is the content of the Gospel.

Respectful Rebuking

I once met a gypsy who was into psychic reading. But, he said, he knew it was wrong. “How do you know that?” I asked. He said a man recently approached him and said, “You know, you are sinning by doing these readings.” It really shook this gypsys conscience. And he thought, “Wow, I think that guys right.”

Using Scripture, I explained to this man why psychic involvement and witchcraft are sinful. He began to understand that through a relationship with Jesus Christ, he could be forgiven. It was thrilling to pray and lead this gypsy to the Lord! But think about it: The catalyst to his conversion was a stranger who blatantly told him that he was sinning. Can you imagine?

No doubt, its hard to confront someone like that. Its definitely not politically correct. Yet many times, if we lovingly reproach someone, it can pierce their conscience. Second Timothy reminds us to “correct, rebuke and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction.”

Allow God to help you share His awesome truth with a friend this week. A strong, but loving, word of exhortation may be the bridge that links their heart to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Back to the Bible

I once read a shocking article about a Princeton University professor of bio-ethics. The article said this Prof believes “parents should have the right to euthanize newborn children who have severe handicaps.” Did you catch that? He said, “Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.” Talk about depravity – that is murder!

So how do you and I respond to this kind of blatant sinfulness? I believe we must get back to the Bible! Billy Graham once said, “Its either back to the Bible or back to the jungle.” The jungle, a world of moral chaos, is creeping up on us. But, the Word of God holds truth and power to transform lives!

Hebrews 4 tells us, “The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit.”

So dont be discouraged! Instead, dive into the Scriptures, and encourage your friends to open the Word of God, and seek out the truth for themselves. Why not challenge someone you know to read the book of John, and discuss it over coffee? Ask the Holy Spirit to penetrate their heart with the message of forgiveness, and eternal life, through the cross of Christ.

Serving God 100%

When I was in Australia a few years ago, I met Milton Morris, a member of the Australian Parliament. We were at a luncheon together and Mr. Morris said these words that Ill never forget: “Being one hundred percent for Christ is so much better than fifty percent!”

Its a simple statement, but I thought, How true! One hundred percent is the only way to live for Jesus Christ. Its the only way to experience the wonderful life He has for you and me. And its the only way to witness to our world about His glorious power, and His plan for mankind.

So what does it look like to live for Jesus 100%? The Bible says his servants shall serve the Lord with zeal. Second Peter tells us to “be zealous, be committed.” And you can serve Christ like this no matter who you are, or what you do.

You can serve Him as a teacher, a businessman, a housewife, a student, or a truck driver. Whatever you do, you can serve the Lord Jesus by being fervently committed to sharing His Good News.

Gods number one plan for reaching the world is through you and me! So why not make a fresh decision today? Commit yourself to serve Him with zeal – nothing less than 100%! And then watch God work through you to change your world – one heart at a time.

Jenny’s Story

There is power in stories, isnt there? We love stories. We read them in books and articles and watch them on tv shows and movies. Let me tell you one story about a girl named Jenny.

When Jenny was a teenager, she and her boyfriend were playing around with witchcraft. A seance said they would die in a car crash. Just as predicted, Jenny was in a car crash a little while later, but she didnt die! God saved her life! God had other plans for her!

Soon after that happened, I was in Australia speaking in conjunction with Billy Grahams crusade. At one of the affinity events, God changed Jennys heart and she surrendered her life to Jesus. Jenny then told her boyfriend about what God had done in her life. He gave his life to Jesus too and now they are totally different! God changed them! Now they are Christian leaders and evangelists! What a powerful story!

Whats your story? You may not think its as exciting or glamorous as Jennys. But, that doesnt matter. God gave you a story too and He wants you to share it! The Bible encourages us to tell others what God has done in our lives. Tell someone today what He has done for you! All it takes is a simple story – and you have one!