
Reaching Widows

My wife and I know a woman in England, named Emma. She felt God asking her to befriend an elderly neighbor, who was a widower. It wasnt easy, because this old man was pretty arrogant and rude. Apparently, no one liked him. But at one point he became sick, so Emma visited him in the hospital. Over time, this belligerent man was softened by Emmas kindness.

One day, Emma shared with him about her relationship with Jesus Christ. Then she asked if he would like to receive Jesus, by faith, into his life. Without hesitation he said, “Yes!” That 84-year-old man died shortly after his conversion, but now hes in heaven!

It certainly wasnt comfortable for Emma to reach out to that elderly man. But God called her out of her comfort zone, and she obeyed. Imagine what would have happened if Emma hadnt followed Gods leading. That man probably would have died without knowing Jesus Christ.

In Luke Chapter 10, Jesus told His followers to first, love God “with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength,” and then, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Is there a widow in your neighborhood, or community, whom you could befriend? It often takes so little to show them Christs love. And yet, as Emma can testify, your simple act of kindness can have eternal results!

The Least of These

Theres a woman in our home church who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of hurting and abandoned children. Thats why she decided to open up her home to foster kids. Now this is quite a task for her because shes not married. But this young lady, with the help of her parents, has had many foster children in her home.

Whats most exciting to me is that shes led many of these children – and their parents – to the Lord! She uses foster care as an avenue to share her faith with each child who comes into her home. Isnt that fabulous?!?!

Its certainly a huge step of faith to become foster parents, or adopt a child. Its definitely something thats out of many peoples comfort zones. But God calls His followers to unprecedented action. Not just social action, which is important – but spiritual action!

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus challenges His disciples to take care of the needy, the poor, the strangers – the helpless. Because, He says, “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.”

I cant think of a better example of “the least of these” than hurt and neglected children. So, pray about it, wont you? And remember, by opening up your heart and home, you can make an eternal difference in a childs life.

Around the World

Many years ago, British missionaries came to Argentina and led my parents to faith in Christ. They, in turn, raised me and my five sisters in the Lord. We have all made personal commitments to Christ. Its awesome to think about the ongoing spiritual impact that those faithful missionaries had, just on my family alone!

Have you ever thought about going to another country to share your faith? It may be hard to imagine getting out of your comfort zone like that — especially if it means traveling long distances, eating strange foods, and not being able to speak the language. Yet Jesus calls us to spread His Good News all around the world.

In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 16, as Jesus is returning to heaven, He tells his followers to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”

Now, some of us are called to witness in our hometown, while others are called overseas. But how will you know if you dont seek the Lords will for your life? Ask Him to send you wherever He chooses. As you open up your heart to the Lords leading, He will use you in ways you could never imagine! Theres nothing more exciting than changed lives, dont you think?

The One Solution

Some time ago a friend of one of our boys put a gun to his head and shot himself. He was only 16 and the son of a wealthy, notable doctor. A few days before this young mans death, our local newspaper reported that a well-known clinical psychologist committed suicide, leaving a note to his staff stating that he felt “tired, alone, and suddenly very old.” What sad stories!

Suicides are increasing at alarming rates. Thousands of people feel like the clinical psychologist and the high school boy. They feel that life is empty. Overpowered by the idea of “nothingness,” they either take their own lives, or seek escape through drugs, alcohol, and other addictions.

Why do some people despair of life itself? Psychologists offer many answers to that question, but only one true solution exists–Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can meet peoples deepest needs when their world suddenly falls apart.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

As followers of Jesus, you and I have the responsibility, and privilege, of being faithful messengers of this hope to those in our world.

When God Doesn’t Make Sense

National Football League running back Sherman Smith had a reputation for bowling over defensive linesmen. This raised his celebrity to near-cult status. Then, without warning, Shermans team traded their most popular player to the San Diego Chargers. Everything changed overnight for him. He wasnt with the Chargers for more than a few weeks when he blew out his knee.

But Sherman was also a committed follower of Jesus Christ. And he knew that more than football, his main mission in life was to share Gods message of salvation. So while in rehabilitation, Sherman prayed, Lord, why did you ship me here? Whats your plan in all of this? How do you want to use me?

While Shermans knee mended, God answered his prayers by allowing him to lead one of his teammates to the Lord. That converted party-man, Miles McPherson, is now an outstanding youth evangelist who reaches thousands each year with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

You may not understand why God has you in a certain situation. But instead of despairing, take a lesson from Sherman. Ask God how He wants to use you right where you are. And He will!