
God is Being Glorified

You know sharing the Good News is an adventure. I found it so since I decided as a teenager that I really, really wanted to share the good news of Jesus Christ. But you know just like everybody else, even though Ive been at it now for fifty some years of my life, I still get nervous when I go into the adventure of sharing the Good News.

Its not that I dont trust God- I certainly do; its that I dont trust myself. Thats why I get nervous. But you know one of the things that Ive done all through my life when I went to give a message that proclaims the Good News, or when I went to talk to somebody as I walked into their office to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I remind myself of this one particular phrase. And its this- God is being glorified.

Hes being glorified because Im trying to share Jesus Christ. Hes being glorified through me because Christ lives in me, and the Holy Spirit is going to use me. God is in me, He is here, He is here now, God is among us- me and the person Im going to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And in Romans 15 it says, “So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So, when you go to share the good news, dont be surprised that youre nervous, its an eternal issue. But remind yourself, God is being glorified.

Never Beyond Hope

When it comes to reaching tough kids, one of my favorite stories is that of Nicky Cruz. Nicky was a Puerto Rican teenager who moved to New York City and joined one of the most violent gangs in the city.

To anyone who knew him, Nicky seemed beyond any hope of change. He was angry at his parents, angry at himself, angry at the world, and angry at God.

But then God led a young preacher named David Wilkerson to New York City. David had a passion to reach gang members for Jesus Christ. He saw beyond their tough exterior, and knew that deep down, their hearts were desperate for love and healing.

When David met Nicky, he knew the only thing that could reach Nickys heart was the love of Jesus. Eventually, because of Davids persistence, and the power of the Holy Spirit, Nicky received Jesus into his life.

Through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he became a new creation. And today, Nicky Cruz leads a ministry that shares the Good News with inner-city gang members!

Is there a teenager you know who seems beyond hope? Try finding ways to show Christs love to that young boy or girl. Pray, as Paul did for the Ephesians, that “the eyes of their heart would be enlightened.” And remember, no one is beyond Gods reach.

Love Sinners, Hate Sin

John was a 17-year-old who told me he was struggling because his sister was a lesbian. He didnt know how to deal with it. I told John that he needed to be patient with his sister, love her, and not start any arguments — they rarely get you anywhere.

He needed to love and respect her because, no matter what her lifestyle, shes still created in the image of God.

Jesus Christ is a perfect example of how to love the lost. He spent time with the tax collectors, and the prostitutes. Many of them chose to leave their sinful ways and follow Him.

Now, loving the sinner doesnt mean we condone the sin. Homosexuality is condemned in the Bible, just as is any other sexual activity that is outside of marriage.

The most powerful thing we can do is love and pray for people choosing those lifestyles. Trust me, God can change their hearts! Ive had the privilege of leading many homosexuals to Jesus Christ. Its possible, if we lovingly reach out to them without judgment.

Love the person – hate the sin. In Mark Chapter 10, Jesus says, “All things are possible with God.”

Do you have stories of how youve reached out to a lost friend or family member? Id love to hear from you! Send me a note at

A New Story

Recently our team got a letter from a young girl – Ill call her Anne. Anne wrote that her parents had divorced because her mom had been cheating on her dad. Not only did her mom want nothing to do with Anne, but her sister was in the hospital, and her boyfriend had just dumped her.

“My only friends are alcohol and marijuana,” Anne said. “So theres my story.” It was so sad to read that letter! Can you imagine what shes been through?

It breaks my heart when I hear about children who come from broken homes. When these kids are neglected and unloved, they can sometimes act out in pretty crazy ways. But deep down what theyre really wondering is, “Does anyone care about me?”

When you see a young person who seems hardened, and perhaps into drugs and drinking, remember that you dont know their story. Pray for those teenagers who seem the hardest to love. Find ways to connect with them. God says in Isaiah 49, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Thats a powerful message of Gods love to share with young people.

Through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can offer children like Anne a different ending to their stories. Is there a youth in your life who needs you to reach out to them? Do it today, and point them to Jesus.

The Secret to Spiritual Health

We all know what it is like to be wronged. If it hasnt happened to you already – it will. People fail God and they fail us as well. They do things that break the heart of God. People say things that make us angry and upset.

Though we cannot control what is said and done to us, we can control our response. We can choose to forgive. Remember that Jesus died on the cross so that you could be forgiven. Share that same forgiveness with the people in your life who have hurt you.

You ask, “What is the key to spiritual health?” Well, I will tell you. It is this: forgive and be forgiven. Keep short accounts with God and men. You must refuse to let bitterness and guilt take root in your soul.

The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

My friend, today if you claim that promise and have been forgiven, then also forgive those who have wronged you. Your forgiveness may be just the thing that will lead them to Jesus Christ. Nothing is better than tha