
God is Among Us

You know every time that you, by the Holy Spirit, open your mouth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, you should expect that something eternal is going to happen in this persons life. One of the signs of faith is that you simply believe in the power of the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of the words that He gives you to speak. God is at work at that moment and therefore you expect something grand to happen, something eternal, something of significance- that eternity itself will never erase. There shall be results, because God is speaking through you.

I love 1 Corinthians 14:25, it says that “the secrets of his heart will be laid bare, he will fall down and worship God exclaiming, God is really among you.” And you know thats one of the results that we all hope to see when we share the Good News, isnt it?

And yet we feel so incapable in ourselves- so impotent, so to speak, to do the job- but the Holy Spirit of God does His part, and when you share the Good News, simply believe and expect, by faith, because the Bible says so, that the person listening would say, “God is really with you. God is really here and Hes speaking to me.” He may not fall on his face physically, but in his heart he will repent, and honor God.

Loneliness for a Greater Call

We all want to reach our world, dont we? Well, sometimes it can be very lonely. Verse 3 of the hymn Ive been sharing with you this week says, “So send I you to loneliness and longing, with hearts a-hungering for those we love and know. Forsaking kin and kindred, friend and dear ones so send I you to know my love alone. ”

There are some people who are called to remain single- and some of them are called to remain single and go to a foreign country to give the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes there is loneliness, yes there is longing and hungering to be with those you love and know, yes you want to be with family, with friends, with dear ones, but you know, somebody has to get out there and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I have one wife, four sons, four daughters in-law and ten grand children. And for all of our lives, weve had to be separated from each other week after week, month after month, year after year. One day we calculated wed been separated for 15 years, to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But somebody has to do it, somebody did it to bring me the Gospel down in South America, and I love those missionaries who did it.

So yes, there is loneliness, and theres longing and hungering for those we know, but in the end, the result of people going to Heaven, and knowing Jesus Christ is worth all the sacrifice and all the effort – on behalf of the one who died on the cross all by Himself.

The Christian Life Begins at Home

Children dont become Christians by osmosis. Its true that God has no grandchildren. As parents, we should deeply care that our children make a genuine commitment to Jesus Christ. We cant make the decision for them, but we can take an active part in leading our sons and daughters to a solid and lasting faith.

Proverbs 11:30 says “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he (or she) who wins souls is wise.”

Its thrilling to win someone to Jesus Christ. Your life may be full of exciting moments, but none will match that special time when your child gives their life to the Savior.

I made the decision to follow Christ at a summer camp. Still, the seed of the Gospel had been planted and watered by my parents at home. Its in the home where lifes most crucial curriculum is taught. God designed the home as the place where His word is to be taught, lived and passed on from generation to generation.

The Lord longs to welcome children into His family. Through our instruction, our example and our prayers we can have an active part in seeing God work in our childrens lives.