

Its no accident that the first of the ten commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” Jesus also told us in the gospel of John that we should worship the Lord our God, and serve Him alone. The apostle Paul tells us that worshiping God pleases God. The book of Hebrews says that worship also draws us near to God, and Him to us. By worshiping the Lord, we acknowledge His true perfection and power.

So what does all this talk about worship have to do with evangelism? Why everything! If we want to be authentic Christians who make a difference in our world, we need to worship! In public and in private – with our whole lives! Romans chapter 12 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”

As you worship God, He will reveal His character in you. When you give Him His rightful place in your life, He will be able to use you! Hell increase your compassion for the lost. And youll want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone you meet. So worship God today and He will prepare you for great things and your cup will run over with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and youll be a blessing and youll reach out to others in a winsome way.

Real Success

You know the most amazing thing to me is how many people seem to be afraid of the idea of success or prosperity. Now, yes, exaggerations have taken place in certain circles and so we shy away from the idea of prosperity and success.

But, do you remember what Psalm 1 says? “Blessed is the person whose delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law he meditates day and night. He’s like a tree planted by streams of water. Whatever he does prospers.” God wants each one of us to prosper spiritually and, frankly, in every other way. Now to prosper, what is that?

Henrietta Mears was a great Bible teacher who’s now with Jesus Christ. She used to say to her students, “Success, you know what success is? Success is anything that is pleasing to God.” That’s why the Psalm says that you’ll become like a tree planted by streams of water and whatever you do prospers when you delight yourself in the Word of the Lord.

Therefore, the more you can point your friends to read passages of Scripture, the Gospel of John, in particular, the more they’re going to open their eyes and see the truth and they will prosper spiritually. So, point your finger at the Bible when you help your friends. They will forever be grateful to you.