
Forgiveness through Jesus

LuAnn was a 20-year-old student at a local college. She told my wife and me her story. “I was recently in a relationship,” LuAnn said, “but that ended because I got pregnant. Now Im three months along, and Im considering an abortion.”

LuAnns situation broke our hearts. Obviously, the worst option for her would be to have an abortion. But, I knew that before LuAnn could make any decision about her baby, she needed to make a decision about Jesus Christ.

“LuAnn,” I said, “God, the Father, loves you with an everlasting love. God will not ever leave you, He will never forsake you, as Hebrews 13:5 says. He forgives and forgets, wipes clean, and then does new things in our lives.” After talking a bit more, LuAnn was ready to commit her life to Jesus. She also decided to keep her baby!

You know, the ability to start fresh, knowing that Jesus has forgiven all your sins, is so freeing! And, like LuAnn, there are many people today who are desperate for this kind of clean start. Yet often, they dont know where to look. Thats why God is calling you and me to be his Good News messenger.

Are you willing to share the hope that Jesus offers with a friend – perhaps this week?


You may have heard the saying, “Practice random acts of kindness.” I like it. But did you know that there is an entire movement based on this concept? Theres actually something called the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Their motto? “Do kindness.”

People reach out to others in an effort to make life better for them. Some raise funds to help kids who use wheelchairs. Others give out hamburgers to hungry people on the street. One little girl collected books, toys, and stuffed animals to give to kids in the hospital. She wanted everyone to have a friend to hold onto. Thats touching. Its a great concept.

Jesus calls His followers to something on top of good deeds. He calls us to evangelism! “Go and proclaim the Good News” he said. The heart of Christ is that others would know Him and experience the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, reaching out in love and kindness to others is certainly something God expects every Christian to do, everyday. But it should never replace the call of the Great Commission.

Evangelism is social action. It is the greatest act of kindness in the whole universe. We should share with others how to experience a personal relationship with Jesus and with God the Father, giving them the hope of eternal life and heaven when they die. So, do good deeds on a practical level and do the greatest good deed… give people the Good News of the cross and resurrection of Christ.

A Thrilling Experience

When God called Abraham to leave his home in Haran and go to a foreign land, Abraham had to take God at his word. Thankfully, he did, because look at the blessings that Abraham and his descendants have received through the centuries!

God the Father said, “I will surely bless you. I will multiply you. Abraham, I can’t give you enough because you have obeyed me.” God speaks deep things to obedient people.

But Abraham didn’t receive all the blessings right away. Hebrews 11 says that he and others “did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance.” They believed that the blessings would eventually come, and they did come – in God’s sweet time, of course.

Many times that’s true when we try to reach our world, isn’t it? We often don’t get the response we’re hoping for, and sometimes it seems as if there’s no fruit at all. But if you trust God and obey His leading to share the Good News, you can know that His word doesn’t return void.

Abraham had no idea what blessings lay in store for him, but he obeyed in faith and followed God’s leading. What about you? Will you obey and follow God? You may not see immediate fruit, but if you believe by faith, someday the blessings of sharing your faith will be revealed. It’s happened to me… often!