Staring at Death
Michael was HIV positive when I met him. He told me he was “looking for some guidance,” as he put it. He was 31 years old, and the AIDS virus was really ravaging his body. Michael didn�t have much time left to live, and he was in deep despair. “Where do I go from here?” he asked me.
I was so glad that I had the opportunity to talk with Michael. After I shared the Good News Gospel with him, I sensed that he was truly repentant of his lifestyle, and ready to make a decision for Jesus Christ. “Michael,” I said, “Have you ever surrendered your life to the Lord?” “No,” he replied. “But I�d like to. I�d like to come to peace.” I was so thrilled that Michael was ready to know God! We prayed together and Michael opened his heart to receive Jesus Christ. He was so relieved to be free from the fear of death, and could look forward to Heaven.
Jesus Christ said in John chapter 10, “I give you eternal life. You will never perish, and no one can snatch you out of my hands.” Often, people become open to the Lord in difficult times. That�s why we need to be ready to lovingly share the message of salvation with them. The Good News is that the Lord loves unconditionally. He longs to forgive, and give them eternal life.