How to Find Real Hope
Sometimes our world tries to cover up the real reason we celebrate Christmas. We get too concerned about being politically correct and we say things like, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Were worried well offend somebody or even get sued. But, we really cant take the “Christ” out of “Christmas.” Hes the only reason we can celebrate anything in the first place. Hope is found only in Him.
Whether were from a Catholic or Protestant background or perhaps Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu, in our heart of hearts we know that we all need hope. Real hope, a living expectation, comes when we know that Jesus Christ is truly alive because He rose from the dead. Death couldnt hold Him because he is God the Son. He is Almighty. The key to finding hope is confessing to God that we are sinners and we need Him to forgive and purify us. And the great thing is: Hell never turn us down.
Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The virgin birth of Jesus set the stage for Gods rescue plan.
Pray for your friends of various religious persuasions and ask the Lord for boldness to actually, yet carefully, share the hope of Jesus Christ with them. He is, after all, the only way they can truly have a merry Christmas.