Education and Training
You know there�s a phrase that I�ve heard many times and I really dislike it. They say in Europe, “oh the American church… it�s a mile wide and an inch deep.” Oh really?
But you know, there�s a certain meaning to that phrase and it�s this – what about discipleship? People say to themselves, “Okay, I gave my life to Christ. He forgave my sins. I�m a child of God. I�m going to heave when I die.” And, you want to see them grow!
This happened to Pat and me with our four sons and now our 8 grandsons. We want to see them grow. Not only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so that they have eternal life, we want them to be disciples.
In Hebrews ch.6 we read, “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.” That everybody likes.
We want to see our children and our grandchildren grow up and go on to maturity and become true followers of Jesus Christ who love the Word of God, who love the church, who love communion, who love prayer, and who love to share the Good News to those who are still lost.
Yes, Jesus says let us go to maturity. And, we can do it ourselves and we can help others go on to maturity if they stay close to Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.