
Education and Training

You know there�s a phrase that I�ve heard many times and I really dislike it. They say in Europe, “oh the American church… it�s a mile wide and an inch deep.” Oh really?

But you know, there�s a certain meaning to that phrase and it�s this – what about discipleship? People say to themselves, “Okay, I gave my life to Christ. He forgave my sins. I�m a child of God. I�m going to heave when I die.” And, you want to see them grow!

This happened to Pat and me with our four sons and now our 8 grandsons. We want to see them grow. Not only believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so that they have eternal life, we want them to be disciples.

In Hebrews ch.6 we read, “Therefore, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.” That everybody likes.

We want to see our children and our grandchildren grow up and go on to maturity and become true followers of Jesus Christ who love the Word of God, who love the church, who love communion, who love prayer, and who love to share the Good News to those who are still lost.

Yes, Jesus says let us go to maturity. And, we can do it ourselves and we can help others go on to maturity if they stay close to Jesus Christ and His Holy Word.

Assurance of Salvation

Years ago I was talking to businessmen in Texas. Some of them were followers of Jesus Christ, and some were still searching. I was telling them about a princess whom I met in England who wanted the assurance of salvation. As I was sharing this story, I noticed one of the businessmen was embarrassed because tears were coming down his cheeks.

Afterward, I went up to him and said, “Hey Jimmy, I noticed that you were crying when I was telling the story of the princess. What was going on?” He said, “I’ve been to church all of my life but I’ve never had the assurance of eternal life, and I’m 65!”

Jimmy was a successful businessman, he had a big insurance company, everybody knew who he was in town, but something was missing. So we got together for lunch and I said, “Jimmy, the most important thing right now is that you personally open your heart to Christ right here. That’s all the assurance you need.” When I explained the salvation message to him, Jimmy bowed his head in the restaurant and received Jesus Christ as Lord.

Do you know that many people are in the same boat as Jimmy? Even someone who looks good and religious on the outside can be struggling on the inside – only God and he knows. It’s up to us to offer them the hope and assurance of eternal life. What a privilege!

Resting in God

Do you feel worn out, beaten down, or like a failure when it comes to sharing the Good News Gospel? Maybe you’re thinking, “I can barely keep myself on track, let alone think about sharing my faith.” If you’re feeling this way today, I want to encourage you that God has called us to rest in Him.

Remember in the Old Testament, there was a day called the Sabbath. The Sabbath was Saturday, technically speaking, and the people of God in the old days had to totally stop working and rest on that day.

In the Book of Hebrews, the Lord picks up on that practice and uses it as a picture for followers of Jesus. He says, “There remains a rest day,” that is, yes, a rest day, “for the people of God.” Today, if you hear His voice, you will rest.

So, what does it mean to rest when it comes to evangelism? Rest doesn’t mean that you just sit there waiting for something to happen and doing nothing. No, it means that you are resting, relaxing, and relying on God’s indwelling presence to lead you. Your confidence is not on sweating it out in your own strength, but on trusting in God to give you the words and the actions you need in each situation to tell other people about Him.

So, rest in the Lord today. Trust that He’ll use you as He sees fit – in His ways, and His timing.

Choose to Rejoice

Years ago I was listening to a woman on the radio program. She was reading Galatians 5 where it says, “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against such things there is no law.”

Then this woman said, “You know, there is no law against too much love. There is no law against too much joy… and so on and so on.”

That simple thought really struck me. Think about that for a moment – there is no law against too much joy! We are told by the Lord to rejoice. Even in bad times, the potential for joy is there, because the Spirit of God is within us.

Philippians 4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say, rejoice!” It’s a choice, yes! Sometimes it’s a difficult choice, but we can rejoice because the blessed Holy Spirit, who produces joy, lives within us.

So, what does this have to do with evangelism? Everything! A joyful spirit is what makes followers of Jesus stand out from the rest of the crowd.

As you and I choose to rejoice ‘always,’ no matter what the circumstances, we are setting ourselves apart. We are letting the light of Christ, the joy of Christ, shine through our situation. By choosing to rejoice, we can be powerful witnesses to those in need of the Savior’s joy.

Taking Up Your Cross

As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been promised that the Spirit of Christ dwells within each one of us. By our day-to-day choices, we can either squelch the Spirit of God, or allow Him to grow in us even more. This is a basic truth, especially when we’re confronted with a decision on whether or not to share our faith.

In Matthew 16:24 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

What does it mean to take up your cross? Several years ago, I felt the Lord explain it to me this way: Every time my will crosses what God has told me to do, and I choose God’s way instead of mine, that is Jesus at work in me. That is taking up my cross.

The instant you choose, day-by-day, God’s revealed will over your own egotistical will, something dies and then something comes alive. What dies are your selfish, wrong ways. What comes alive is Christ’s Spirit in you. And He produces fabulous results in you and through you. You are cooperating with God Almighty! Is that living or what!?!?

Do you really want to please the Lord and be fruitful? Then taking up your cross is the way to do it. So the next time you’re wondering whether or not to share your faith and you hear God’s voice telling you to go for it, remember that choosing God’s will, over your own, is always the best way to live!