
Working Together

Do you remember what the Lord Jesus prayed the night before his crucifixion? He was going to the cross the very next day, and yet, in the Garden of Gethsemane, what did Jesus pray about? “Father,” Jesus said, “I pray for those who will believe in me, that they may be one as we are one, so that the world may believe that you sent me.”

That was the cry of the Lord Jesus – that Gods people will act, and function, as one, “so that the world may believe…”

It pleases the heart of God when Christians work well together. Its a clear message to our world that we belong to Christ. And, by teaming up with other believers, you can do great and powerful things for Jesus that you could never do alone.

So, do you have a dream of doing something big for God in your neighborhood, town, or even country? If so, remember you cant do it alone! Of course youll need Gods blessing and leading and wisdom; but youll also need fellow believers to help your dream become reality!

Were most effective when we pull together, not apart. When we work with other Christians, “as one,” the world takes notice. And the result is that many may choose to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus Took Your Bullet

When the United States appointed General Peter Pace as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he accepted his position on national television and told a story. He said, “I wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for a fellow marine during the Vietnam War.”

Peter Pace continued: “I remember one day when we were in a foxhole. One of my men walked in front of me. At that moment, a bullet hit him and he died right in front of me.”

Pace added, “That bullet was coming straight here,” and he pointed at his head. Even though Peter Pace is a tough military man, he had tears in his eyes as he said, “He died in my place.”

You dont have to have fought in the military to know that feeling. If you confess Jesus as your Savior, you know what it is to have someone die in your place – because thats exactly what Jesus did on the cross 2000 years ago! Isaiah in the Bible says, “He was pierced for our transgressions.” Jesus took the bullet that we deserved. Through His death, He gave us forgiveness and eternal life!

Share this Good News with someone today. Make it easy for them to understand. Tell someone simply: “Jesus took YOUR bullet so that you can enjoy life forever with Him beginning today and then lead them to the feet of Jesus!”

Those in Prison

My wife and I know of a woman who visits girls in a juvenile detention center. Once a month, the girls in this home have free time to leave the campus with a family member or friend. But sadly, many of them have no one to go with. Their family and friends simply dont visit them.

So this woman asked ladies from her church to meet with the girls. Each woman takes one girl out for coffee, or to the mall, or on a walk. And they simply talk. One hour a month is all it takes to share Christs love with these young girls. Isnt that powerful?

Hebrews 13:3 tells us, “Remember those in prison, as if you were their fellow prisoners.”

Now, talk about getting out of our comfort zones! This is perhaps one of the hardest places to imagine sharing the Good News Gospel. But many of the inmates have hit bottom and are hungry for hope, forgiveness, and a fresh start. You can be the one to tell them that Jesus Christ offers new life to all who believe in His name!

Think about some ways you can get alongside a prison ministry in your area. Perhaps you can mentor someone, or help lead a Bible study. As you let the Lord spiritually stretch you, Hell bring about amazing results in peoples lives – including your own!

What Jesus Can Do For You

One night not long ago, here in the USA, our team was having a live call-in television program. We were answering people’s questions and trying to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ, of course. That night, just as the program was coming to an end, a boy called up – a young fellow.

He said to me, “Mr. Palau, my name is David. I’m 17, a senior in high school, and I’m from another religion. All of my friends in the high school are Christians and many of them are trying to get me to become a Christian. I want to ask you this, what can Jesus do for me that I can’t do for myself? And why should I open my heart to Him?”

What a question! I was so excited to answer that for David. We talked for quite awhile, and then I told him, “David, the bottom line is this: Jesus will give purpose and meaning to your life. He will make a tremendous difference in your life because He’s God. You’ll never be the same, and finally He will give you eternal life.”

You know, there are people all around us wondering that same thing: What can Jesus do for me? In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

We, as Christians, have the answer that the world is searching for. The question is, are we sharing this answer with others in our world? I encourage you to do it. The Lord will use you. So, do it!