Believing by Faith
At the age of 100, Abraham was enabled to become a father for the first time. Can you imagine? Now you talk about miracles, there is a big one. He was 100 years old. His wife Sarah couldn’t have children. She was through. She was 90 herself. Yet, God said, “You shall have a child,” and by faith Abraham believed.
Abraham didn’t have blind faith, though. He had faith in God and in God’s Word. Romans 4:17 says Abraham believed in “the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” Because of that, the impossible became possible at God’s word.
Is there an impossible situation you’re facing when it comes to evangelism? Is there a loved one who seems so far away from God that you wonder if she’ll ever come to Christ? God simply asks us to obey Him and believe, in faith, that He has the power to do what He promises. And what does He promise? That he will bring life to the dead, and call things that are not as though they were.
So don’t give up hope. Keep praying. Keep talking wisely. Keep believing that your loved one will some day come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Because the God who worked miracles for Abraham is the same God today! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.