
Secret to Success

Henrietta Mears was one of the most influential Christian educators of the 20th century. She believed that anything was possible with Gods supernatural power at work within her. Henrietta influenced thousands of high school and college students to become passionate for God and His Word. Hundreds of those young people went into full time Christian ministry – including Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Mears knew that the secret to spiritual success was to live a holy life. Thats why she had a passion for her students to know the Word of God intimately. “If you want to be pure,” she advised others, “saturate yourself with the Word of God.” Mears herself spent many hours each day studying, and memorizing Scripture. God used Henrietta to personally touch thousands of lives, all over the world. And her success was a result of her deep commitment to holiness and the Word of God.

God wants to do powerful, exciting things through your life, too! But first and foremost he says, “Be holy, as I am holy.” As you spend time in the Bible, His words will purify your heart and mind. Then, in His timing, He will launch you out in powerful ways to reach your world for Jesus Christ!

“Yes, I thought you’d never ask”

After taking a serious fall, an older gentleman named Luke Mulder prayed to receive Jesus Christ. He then prayed for his wife, Clara, who was away visiting her sister in California. That very same day, Clara heard a Gospel presentation and made the decision to trust Christ.

Coincidence? Hardly! Many people think prayer is complicated. The truth is that the simplest prayer can bring you the miracle you need, when you need it. Sometimes all we have to do is pray and God says, “Yes, I thought youd never ask.”

My friend, are you praying for the lost people in your life? The Bible says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” God wants to bless you. He wants to bless your loved ones with a relationship with Himself. Do not give up praying for them. God wants them to be a part of His family!

The Bible says to “pray without ceasing,” and I encourage you to do just that! Dont ever give up. It doesnt matter how far away from the Lord your loved one is, keep praying! Dont quit. Continue to show them Gods love and perhaps, in time, God will use you to bring them back to himself. What could be more exciting than that!

Confidence in the Word

You know, these days, it seems nothing is absolute anymore. Malcolm Muggeridge said that the greatest problem of our day is not political or economic but it is “the loss of a sense of moral order.” It is so exciting to me, that as followers of Jesus we have an absolute standard to live by.

This absolute standard is Gods Word to mankind- the Bible. The Bible is without error. You can trust it 100%. It is the inspired Word of God. If we dont think God is big enough to create a book without error, then we serve too small a god. God absolutely can create a perfect book and He did.

The Bible says of itself in Second Timothy that “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Isnt this exciting? The more we read the Bible, the better equipped we are to reach our world. When we live our lives in light of the scriptures, we live based on unchanging, absolute truth.

Be Patient!

If youve had the joy of leading someone to faith in Jesus Christ, you know its one of the most thrilling experiences on earth! Knowing that another soul has entered into the Kingdom of God gives you an excitement that is beyond words! And you can begin encouraging this new believer in their faith. Now, as you begin the discipleship process, its so important to practice patience. Often we want to see someones bad habits changed overnight. We get discouraged when a new believer isnt as spiritually mature as we think they should be. But even though its important to encourage a new child of God to grow, its also important to practice patience. The reality is that it takes each of us time to mature in the Lord. I accepted the Lord as my Savior as a 12 year old boy. And even though it was a very real commitment, I didnt really begin living the Christian life in its fullness until I was 17. You see, its Gods Holy Spirit that brings the growth, not you or me. In First Corinthians 3:6 Paul says, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” So yes, keep encouraging and praying for your friend. But also, let them learn, and grow, in Gods perfect timing.

In His Time

For the last five years in my church, our pastor kept saying, “Were looking to God for something new in our church.” He didnt know what it was going to be, but he kept believing and saying, “God wants to do something new.”

Year after year went by, but nothing seemed to be happening. In the end, some people got frustrated, and said, Why does he keep saying that? Nothing new is happening at all!” It was a difficult time.

But you know what? Just this past year, new things have begun in our church. Exciting changes are taking place! God is doing moving and were thrilled! Our pastor was right! Things are changing! But, even before we could see the changes, our Pastor didnt turn from the vision God had given him.

Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.” The Lord wants you and I to dream great dreams for reaching our world. But we need to be patient as we wait on Him, pray, and seek His face.

Remember, Gods timing is perfect. When He takes you through a season of waiting, Hes preparing you. And when Hes ready, watch out! Because the floodgates of heaven will open as you see your evangelistic dreams accomplished to Gods glory!