
Asking the Right Questions

Todays generation of postmoderns tend to believe that truth is relative. They dont believe in absolutes. Many assume that Christianity is wrong, without actually thinking through what believing in Jesus Christ actually means.

So you and I have the opportunity, and privilege, to proclaim the truth of the Good News. And sometimes, all it takes is asking a simple question.

Francis Schaeffer, a famous pastor and theologian, was brilliant at asking leading questions of non-believers. He wouldnt try to steer people away from their erroneous beliefs. Instead, Schaeffer logically took them through their arguments, to expose the depravity of their non-Christian worldviews. Through his thoughtful questions, he led many people to faith in Jesus.

So the next time someone begins bad-mouthing Christianity, try asking: “How do you know that?” Or “Can you show me where you read that?” Or ask, “How do you explain the presence of evil and suffering?” Remember to also pray Ephesians 1 for your friends: “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened…”

The Holy Spirit will prompt you with questions to ask. And He will prepare hearts to receive salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Never Beyond Hope

When it comes to reaching tough kids, one of my favorite stories is that of Nicky Cruz. Nicky was a Puerto Rican teenager who moved to New York City and joined one of the most violent gangs in the city.

To anyone who knew him, Nicky seemed beyond any hope of change. He was angry at his parents, angry at himself, angry at the world, and angry at God.

But then God led a young preacher named David Wilkerson to New York City. David had a passion to reach gang members for Jesus Christ. He saw beyond their tough exterior, and knew that deep down, their hearts were desperate for love and healing.

When David met Nicky, he knew the only thing that could reach Nickys heart was the love of Jesus. Eventually, because of Davids persistence, and the power of the Holy Spirit, Nicky received Jesus into his life.

Through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he became a new creation. And today, Nicky Cruz leads a ministry that shares the Good News with inner-city gang members!

Is there a teenager you know who seems beyond hope? Try finding ways to show Christs love to that young boy or girl. Pray, as Paul did for the Ephesians, that “the eyes of their heart would be enlightened.” And remember, no one is beyond Gods reach.

True Enlightenment

What the World Needs to Hear

We live in a world that’s desperate for spiritual enlightenment. It started back in the Garden of Eden. Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit, in the hopes that she’d understand the things of God. As you know, she went against God’s ways and paid a steep price! People are on the same quest today and the tempter is still deceiving them. He diverts people’s desire for a relationship with God by giving them false promises.

The true answer to the world’s hunger for spiritual knowledge lies in a relationship with Jesus Christ. And only that alone can fill a soul’s longing. A powerful picture of this is revealed in the Gospel of John, Chapter Four. Jesus is in Samaria, talking with a woman at the watering well. He tells her, “Everyone who drinks this [well] water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. The water I give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Many people look in the wrong places to fill their spiritual needs. Their thirst drives them to wells that go eventually go dry. Yet Christ offers the world His living water, which satisfies forever. It’s the Holy Spirit. It’s eternal life. It’s His presence in our hearts. And He asks His followers to show the way to others.