What Does the Bible Say
Twenty-three years ago, Simon was working in the Ministry of Defense in London, England.
One morning on his way to work, he saw some advertisements for the London festival that our team was putting on at the QPR Football Stadium. Simon was curious about God, so he decided to come hear what we had to say.
As he listened to the Good News that night in London, what struck him was the emphasis on taking Scripture seriously. Simon didn’t make a decision for God that night, but he did go home challenged to read His Bible and see for himself what it had to say.
As he read day after day, Simon realized the Bible was, in fact, the inerrant Word of God. He was finally ready to commit his life to Jesus Christ, and his new life began that very day.
Simon is now a pastor of a church in southern England!! His mission is to bring as many people as possible to the Lord.
In Isaiah 55 the Lord says, “My Word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire.” God uses many different ways to speak to people – His Word is definitely one of those ways.
When we share our faith, we need to remember to challenge people to seek out the truth for themselves in the Bible. Then, trust the Lord with the results.