
A Christ-like Example

Jeff told me he worked at a restaurant, and had been trying to find a way to reach out to his co-workers. He said that Ephesians 2:10 kept coming into his mind. It says, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” So Jeff asked the Lord, “What good works do you want me to do?”

That’s when the idea came to him. Jeff began asking his co-workers if they would be willing to help sponsor a needy child through a Christian organization. Sure enough, 22 employees signed up to sponsor abused and neglected girls through an association in Arequipa, Peru.

So, not only is Jeff reaching out to those less fortunate than himself in Peru, he’s also being the light of Christ to his non-Christian co-workers. They are learning what a rich and rewarding experience it is to serve others in Jesus’ name. They are also seeing, in Jeff, a living, breathing example of someone being the hands and feet of Christ.

Are you modeling a Christ-like attitude to your world? You never know what good you can do, and what hearts may be changed by your example. So begin today. Do whatever the Holy Spirit lays on your heart to do and do it in His name.