
Hope for Change

Paul was a young guy I met in Maine a few years ago. He told me that he was really into drugs and drinking, and needed help. But, Paul said his biggest problem was that he didnt have any hope. “My family just keeps telling me Ill never amount to anything,” he said. Unfortunately, Paul believed them.

I asked Paul if he had heard of the Lord Jesus, the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Christ, and the new beginning He offers all of us. Paul said hed never opened a Bible, and didnt know much about the Lord. I was so glad to have the opportunity to share the Good News with him!

I quoted 2nd Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!” I told Paul, “When you give your life to Christ, you become a totally new person. Jesus forgives every sin youve ever committed. He helps you start over.” To my delight, Paul decided to surrender his life to Jesus! I knew God would change him dramatically!

There are people all around us, like Paul, with empty hearts — wondering if there is hope, and a way to start over. Its our privilege, and calling, to tell them about the hope and forgiveness thats only found in Jesus Christ.

Salt and Light

Daniel Naulty was a former major league baseball player who was a powerful pitcher. But Daniel also used performance-enhancing drugs during his career. A few years ago, he admitted his crime and left baseball for good. But, thats only part of his story.

The other part of the story happened seven years ago when Naultys team won the World Series. What should have been the highlight of his life was instead one of his lowest points. “I thought the World Series was going to be God,” Naulty said. “But I realized after we won that it wasnt salvation.” He began spiraling into a deep depression. Then Daniel began thinking back to what his Christian teammates had shared with him over the years.

They had told Naulty about Gods story of redemption and love through the cross and resurrection of Christ. Daniel finally realized the truth about what was missing from his life. So he asked forgiveness for his sins, and received Jesus into his life.

Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 5, “You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world.” Like Daniels faithful teammates, you and I can also be salt and light to those around us. Even when we dont see immediate results, God is at work! Just like he was with Daniel Naulty.

Reaching the Broken

When my wife and I met Donna, she was an 18-year-old single mom with two children. As we talked with her, we found out she had grown up going to church. But Donna ended up on a destructive path when she hit her teenage years. When we asked why, Donna said she was molested multiple times as a child, and her mother abandoned her when she was 13.

Donna eventually got into the wrong crowd in school, getting involved with boyfriends, alcohol, and drugs. Yet, deep down she knew that it wasnt right.

It was heartbreaking to hear Donnas story. No one should have to endure what she had gone through!

We shared with Donna that Jesus Christ not only will forgive her sins, Hell also help her to forget the incest, the rape, and the hurt. We shared this beautiful verse with her from Hebrews 9: “The blood of Christ will cleanse your conscience from evil works so that you can serve the living and true God.” Donna said thats what she was looking for. We rejoiced as she surrendered her life to Jesus!

Do you know a struggling teenage mom? Instead of judging her, try reaching out to her. Offer to watch her baby so she can have a break. Ask if you can bring her a meal, or treat her to coffee. Your simple act of kindness can be a powerful example to her of Christs amazing love.

A New Story

Recently our team got a letter from a young girl – Ill call her Anne. Anne wrote that her parents had divorced because her mom had been cheating on her dad. Not only did her mom want nothing to do with Anne, but her sister was in the hospital, and her boyfriend had just dumped her.

“My only friends are alcohol and marijuana,” Anne said. “So theres my story.” It was so sad to read that letter! Can you imagine what shes been through?

It breaks my heart when I hear about children who come from broken homes. When these kids are neglected and unloved, they can sometimes act out in pretty crazy ways. But deep down what theyre really wondering is, “Does anyone care about me?”

When you see a young person who seems hardened, and perhaps into drugs and drinking, remember that you dont know their story. Pray for those teenagers who seem the hardest to love. Find ways to connect with them. God says in Isaiah 49, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Thats a powerful message of Gods love to share with young people.

Through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can offer children like Anne a different ending to their stories. Is there a youth in your life who needs you to reach out to them? Do it today, and point them to Jesus.

The One Solution

Some time ago a friend of one of our boys put a gun to his head and shot himself. He was only 16 and the son of a wealthy, notable doctor. A few days before this young mans death, our local newspaper reported that a well-known clinical psychologist committed suicide, leaving a note to his staff stating that he felt “tired, alone, and suddenly very old.” What sad stories!

Suicides are increasing at alarming rates. Thousands of people feel like the clinical psychologist and the high school boy. They feel that life is empty. Overpowered by the idea of “nothingness,” they either take their own lives, or seek escape through drugs, alcohol, and other addictions.

Why do some people despair of life itself? Psychologists offer many answers to that question, but only one true solution exists–Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can meet peoples deepest needs when their world suddenly falls apart.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

As followers of Jesus, you and I have the responsibility, and privilege, of being faithful messengers of this hope to those in our world.