
He is Alive

Leading Others Into Freedom

Imagine that right now, wherever you’re sitting, you hear the noise of your front door go ‘boom.’ And you turn around and Jesus Christ, Himself, comes into your room. Wouldn’t that be something?

He comes to you and says, I want to have dinner with you tonight. What would your response be? Perhaps you’d be excited, maybe a bit nervous. I can imagine you’d have many things to talk with Jesus about. And you’d be looking forward to hearing His words of love and wisdom poured out to you.

But you know something? If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, He is with you — right now! Even though you can’t see Him, He really is living with you. No, your front door won’t open. But when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart, the Son of God literally comes into your life. He speaks to you through His Word and His Spirit. The Bible says, “Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.”

Jesus can be as real to you as a physical figure walking into your house. It’s important to meditate on what it really means that He is lives in you, and is one with your spirit. The more we believe this to be true for ourselves, the more likely we are to share this wonderful promise with people in our world.

A Personal Relationship

Abigail was 10 years old when she was invited to hear us present the Good News at our London Festival in 1984. She and her family took the train from Wales to the Queens Park Rangers Football stadium.

Abigail says she remembers vividly every detail from that night – from the songs that were sung, to the sights of thousands of people everywhere. But what she remembers most was the message about a personal friendship with Jesus Christ.

Abigail had never heard that before, and was excited to think that she could know God personally. So when I gave the invitation, both Abigail and her brother came forward to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.

Now, all these years later, Abigail is still going strong with the Lord. She and her husband worship at a church in Wales, where they lead weekly small group Bible Study.

There are many people like Abigail who have heard about God, and may even think they are Christians, but don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Think of one person today who perhaps looks OK on the outside, but has never made a personal decision to follow Jesus. Then, pray about how to share the Gospel with him or her.

In John 14:13 Jesus says “I will do whatever you ask in my name.” Ask God to open the door of opportunity, and when He does, walk through it with confidence in His name.

All Things Possible

Years ago, I met Cameron Townsend in Mexico City. I had always admired this missionary because of his faith and vision to start Wycliffe Bible Translators.

So when I saw Mr. Townsend in a coffee shop, I wanted to hear what he was working on. He was about 65 years old, but I knew he wasn’t slowing down in his evangelism efforts.

Cameron Townsend told me he was studying Russian. “Why?” I asked. He said, “Because I’m going to go to Russia and I’m going to place missionaries there.” Now this was in the days when atheistic Marxism-Leninist was still in power in Russia and it sounded like a crazy idea.

“How are you going to get permission?” I asked. He said, “The Lord told me to go. I will get permission.” And then he said, “Luis, never take no for a negative. When somebody closes a door, it means the Lord probably wants you to come in through the back window.”

A few months later I saw Dr. Townsend again. He said, “Luis, we’ve already got three couples in Russia!” They were translating the Bible into some of the esoteric languages of the old Soviet Union!

In Matthew 19:26 Jesus tells his disciples, “With God all things are possible.” When you share the Good News, God can open doors you never imagined would open. Choose to believe Him, and then go for it, just as Cameron Townsend did. And look at the results.

A Simple Question

One of the methods I’ve observed through the years that has worked well when I’m trying to get a person to open up – to tell me what they’re really thinking (and, of course, particularly to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ) is to ask appropriate questions. Not nosy questions. Not inappropriate questions, just some good questions.

Jesus Christ did it all the time. Even when His enemies were accusing Him, He would always respond with a question because questions really get a person thinking. You remember, He once said to His disciples, “Whom do people say that I am?” And they answered in several ways. He said, “But who do you say that I am?” Jesus was interested sincerely. It wasn’t a phony question. It was a sincere question.

So sometime, especially if you’re with a relative or someone you know well, say, “Tell me what you’re thinking about…” Ususually, people like to tell you what they’re thinking. Most people have opinions on just about everything under the sun!

As they begin to talk, again say, “Lord, give me the right opening so that I can ask the question that will lead to a conversation about forgiveness of sins, the cross of Christ, the resurrection, the presence of the Holy Spirit, whatever this person needs…”

Ask the question and the Lord will open doors.