
Faithful Prayers

One of my four sons, Andrew, rebelled for years. Many people prayed for Andrew, including friends of mine in Portland, Oregon, whom I meet with once a month. All these guys faithfully prayed for Andrew for 15 years.

Then, at age 27, Andrew finally repented and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. My friends were so excited! They wanted to meet him and throw a party for him, so they invited Andrew to our group.

When Andrew arrived, he was overwhelmed with emotion. He realized these men had prayed earnestly for his salvation — without ever seeing his face. As it says in the book of James, “The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.”

Today, Andrew travels all over the world, sharing the story of how God redeemed his life. Because of his own conversion, thousands are making decisions to follow Jesus Christ when he tells them the message of Gods Good News. Isnt it exciting to think how one changed life can impact so many others?

As you pray for your loved ones, dont give up! Imagine how many people may come to Christ through their conversions. The ripple effect of your witness today, will go beyond your wildest hopes and prayers!

A Simple Meal

Reaching Your World is a great dream, but sometimes its difficult to know, especially, how to get a conversation going or how to connect people in the neighborhood, or even at work, in a spiritual way.

One of the ways Ive used for many years are luncheons – as an outreach. For instance, in Portland, Oregon, where we live, we have what we call the “Christmas luncheon.” Weve had it for 18 years, now, maybe even 19. And, you know, its a great opportunity, in a classy hotel, to invite people to come, to have lunch. They know its Christmas. They know itll be something connected with Jesus Christ and, of course, its a great opportunity.

Ive always thought, “How interesting that the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we would remember Him, instituted a meal.” Do you remember? The bread and the wine. Yes, seated around the table of the Lord its easy to think about the Lord. Through sitting for lunch or dinner with an unbeliever, with someone who is searching or perhaps isnt even interested, Jesus Christ becomes very real.

At the table, you can begin to talk about the bread of life and you can find a way, because the Holy Spirit always opens the door. I find, when Im alert and ready to share the faith, He always finds a way to open the door so that you can talk about the one that you love so much and who changed your life.

Respectful Rebuking

I once met a gypsy who was into psychic reading. But, he said, he knew it was wrong. “How do you know that?” I asked. He said a man recently approached him and said, “You know, you are sinning by doing these readings.” It really shook this gypsys conscience. And he thought, “Wow, I think that guys right.”

Using Scripture, I explained to this man why psychic involvement and witchcraft are sinful. He began to understand that through a relationship with Jesus Christ, he could be forgiven. It was thrilling to pray and lead this gypsy to the Lord! But think about it: The catalyst to his conversion was a stranger who blatantly told him that he was sinning. Can you imagine?

No doubt, its hard to confront someone like that. Its definitely not politically correct. Yet many times, if we lovingly reproach someone, it can pierce their conscience. Second Timothy reminds us to “correct, rebuke and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction.”

Allow God to help you share His awesome truth with a friend this week. A strong, but loving, word of exhortation may be the bridge that links their heart to the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Search for Truth

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and he or she asks you, “What is truth anyway? Isn’t truth relative to different people and life situations?”

It’s an important question that many sincere seekers are asking today. And we, as Christians, need to be prepared to answer them. But how do we find the truth so we can share it with others?

The answer is found in John 17 when Jesus is praying for His people. He says, “Sanctify them by your truth; your Word is truth.”

That’s the key right there! If you want truth – divine truth, spiritual truth, moral truth, life-changing truth – it’s all in the Word of God. We must spend time with God and Scripture in order to find the truth that people are searching for. There’s divine power in the Bible, you know.

We also must cultivate a listening ear, listening to Jesus Christ. And that takes time. Yes, you can listen to God on the freeway but you hear a lot of other things too. That’s why it’s good to spend time alone with the Lord – just Him and you and His Word. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover!

As you open the Bible, and listen to the Holy Spirit, you will learn wisdom to answer people’s questions – that’s how I have done it. And the truth that you share has the power to change their lives! “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus said that.

Heavenly Assurance

When I think about what God offers us through His son Jesus Christ, I find it staggering! He forgives all of our sins – one hundred percent. He also gives us His Holy Spirit to live within us.

But the most staggering thing of all probably is that He offers us the only way to Heaven. And that isn’t just a nice thought. It’s an absolute assurance!

The Lord tells us, when you die, you’re going straight to Heaven. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:8, “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.”

Too many people simply don’t have the assurance of Heaven. Did you know? Unfortunately, we live in an age where it isn’t very popular to say that Jesus is only one way.

And yet, if you believe the Bible, you can’t deny the truth that Christ is the only way to the Father. And we’re commanded to tell the world about Him!

So be sensitive, but speak the truth in love to those who are searching for answers. It may be someone you work with, go to school with, or sit next to on a plane. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question like, “Where do you think you’ll go when you die?” It’s a great conversation starter.

You’ll be amazed by how that one question may lead to their salvation! So try it and God will use you.