
Mud Walls, Dirt Floors, and Jesus

Bert and Colleen Elliot have had a wonderful life. They went to Peru when they were young and newly married. They lived in the jungle and life there was very, very simple. At first they lived in part of the living room of the senior missionaries. It was just a dirt floor and big, thick mud walls in a thatched roof house. No running water, no electricity, nothing really in the town. But it was good.

Then they bought their first house-for $40-and it was just basically a thatched roof. But they were excited because it was their very first home. They built rammed earth walls underneath the thatched roof and had just a dirt floor. Bert and Colleen learned that you can be very happy with next to nothing. They said, “We didn’t need a lot to make us happy.”

It’s an incredible testimony when we are content with what God has given us. The apostle Paul gives us an example in Philippians chapter 4. He says, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Living like that is a great way to testify that life with Jesus is what makes us truly rich!