The Motivating Factor
When I was a young boy growing up in Argentina, I met a fabulous woman missionary named Theda Krieger. Theda was a single woman who directly and indirectly taught me and my 5 sisters how to win scores of people to Jesus Christ.
Through the years, it is said she and another missionary partner planted over 120 churches in Argentina. 120! They did this by connecting with children in neighborhoods and putting on Vacation Bible Schools. Through the children, they would get to know the parents.
Eventually, whole families were converted and began to attend church. Even though Theda, an American from South Dakota, is now in her 90s, she’s still serving the Lord in my home country.
Whenever I think about missionaries, it brings me back to the basic evangelism question: Why do we do what we do? We need to know the answer, so that our motivation is in line with what the Bible teaches.
Second Corinthians 5:12 says, “Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all.” We share the Good News because we know and love God through Jesus Christ, that’s why. It is so thrilling that we want everybody to know Him!
Theda Krieger’s love for Christ gives her the motivation to share the Good News. May Christ’s love also compel you and me to be faithful in reaching your world, wherever that may be, till our dying day. Are you committed?