
Get to Know Your Neighbors

I know a young man whose parents almost divorced when he was 3 years old. Though this couple had grown up in church, neither of them had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Their marriage was on the rocks and they said that they had “irreconcilable differences.”

But, they had a neighbor who was a true follower of Jesus. That neighbor started to talk with this couple and get to know them. Pretty soon the neighbor clearly shared the Good News with them. The couple knew that they needed God to save their marriage, so they both made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Twenty-six years later they are happily married and are stronger than ever in their faith. And those neighbors are still some of this couple’s closest friends.

The Bible’s book of Titus says, “At his appointed season he brought his word to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.”

You never know what your neighbors are going through. They may seem okay on the outside, but inside they could be falling apart. Be bold in getting to know them. You never know when God will bring His truth to them through the message he’s entrusted to you. Wouldn’t that be exciting?!?

Movin’ Up

I have a friend who is a successful businessman. He’s successful in many ways. He’s an upstanding citizen in his community and when Wayne told me his story of how he found the Lord he used a phrase I love. He said before he truly gave his life over to God, “I had a relationship with the church, but not with Jesus Christ.”

He went to church for years without understanding that there was another level – that of having an intimate relationship with God through Jesus. He decided to go to Promise Keepers event one year, and it was there he truly felt a conviction for his sins. The next Sunday at a different church service, he made the decision to accept Jesus into his life as His Savior!

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If not, why don’t you do it today? Romans 10:10 says, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are set right with God – and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

Tell Jesus that you believe He is God’s Son. Thank Him for dying on the cross in your place, for forgiving your sins and setting you free. Praise Him for the free gift of eternal life and start serving Jesus Christ today! It’s the most important and BEST decision you will ever make!

The Hope of Christ

What the World Needs to Hear

Awhile ago I was speaking at a conference, and a man came to tell me his story. He said years ago his wife had a heart attack, and afterward he became very depressed. He was so desperate that he decided to commit suicide by crashing his car. So he got into his car and started speeding down the highway.

He turned on the radio to find some music and landed on a channel that was playing one of my radio programs. I was coming to the end of the message and I said, “If you’re desperate and you’re lonely and you were thinking of committing suicide, pull the car off to the side of the road and get on your knees. I’m going to lead you in a prayer.”

And the guy thought, “How does he know that I’m going to commit suicide?” But he actually parked the car, got on his knees, and prayed to receive the Lord right there! He’s now serving the Lord full time, in Christian radio of all things!

There may be someone in your circle of friends who’s as desperate as that young man was. We need to offer people the hope to be had in a relationship with Christ – the only answer for life’s deep and confusing problems. Romans 15:13 says the God of hope fills us with joy and peace as we trust in Him. Who in your life needs that kind of hope? Go looking for them. God could use you in their lives.