
The Missing Link

Born and raised in London, England, Emma Owen grew up going to church with her family. But even as a young girl, there always seemed to be something missing from her church experience.

Then, in 1984, Emma’s mom brought her to our team’s “Festival to London.” This festival was a 6-week campaign to touch the heart of London for Jesus Christ.

The night Emma, the teenager, and her mom attended, Emma realized what was missing in her life was a relationship with Jesus. So when I asked all those in the stadium how many wanted to make a decision for Christ, Emma jumped up from her seat to make a public declaration.

Emma says that her commitment that night was the foundation of her faith that she built on for years to come. Today, Emma and her husband, with two children, live in Manchester, England where they share the Good News with teenagers in their city: first-class contemporary Christian music and messages.

Think of children you know who attend church, but perhaps don’t know the Lord personally. Pray for them, by name, and when there’s an opportunity, share the way of salvation. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” and that includes children.

Don’t ever assume that just because someone is inside a church, they know the way to Jesus. Many times they are unconsciously waiting for someone to share the missing link with them. That someone could be you!

The Search for Truth

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and he or she asks you, “What is truth anyway? Isn’t truth relative to different people and life situations?”

It’s an important question that many sincere seekers are asking today. And we, as Christians, need to be prepared to answer them. But how do we find the truth so we can share it with others?

The answer is found in John 17 when Jesus is praying for His people. He says, “Sanctify them by your truth; your Word is truth.”

That’s the key right there! If you want truth – divine truth, spiritual truth, moral truth, life-changing truth – it’s all in the Word of God. We must spend time with God and Scripture in order to find the truth that people are searching for. There’s divine power in the Bible, you know.

We also must cultivate a listening ear, listening to Jesus Christ. And that takes time. Yes, you can listen to God on the freeway but you hear a lot of other things too. That’s why it’s good to spend time alone with the Lord – just Him and you and His Word. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover!

As you open the Bible, and listen to the Holy Spirit, you will learn wisdom to answer people’s questions – that’s how I have done it. And the truth that you share has the power to change their lives! “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus said that.

Drawing Near

I really admire a man named Robert Levy. He’s my son, Andrew’s, father-in-law. Robert’s a very powerful businessman, but his main purpose in life is leading people to Jesus Christ – which is what I respect most about him.

Robert is a true man of God, but that didn’t happen by accident. I believe it’s because He purposes to spend time with God every morning. Before anything else, he’s up at 5:00 am to spend time with God.

Do you want to be someone like that, too? James 4:8 tells us: “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” Those aren’t just words that James wrote because they sounded nice – they’re true! It’s a call from God. It’s an invitation from the King.

God longs to be near you, to change you, and use you for His glory. When we make one small move toward Him, He rushes to us with open arms!

The Lord Jesus said that he wants to be a close friend of yours. But you need to make the choice to spend time with Him, reading His word, and listening to the Holy Spirit. Then, as you walk with God, people will notice.

They’ll think, “There’s something different about her – maybe I’ll ask her about the struggle I’m going through.” By spending time with the Lord, you will have his quiet power and confidence to witness to the lost and lonely people in your world.

The Motivating Factor

When I was a young boy growing up in Argentina, I met a fabulous woman missionary named Theda Krieger. Theda was a single woman who directly and indirectly taught me and my 5 sisters how to win scores of people to Jesus Christ.

Through the years, it is said she and another missionary partner planted over 120 churches in Argentina. 120! They did this by connecting with children in neighborhoods and putting on Vacation Bible Schools. Through the children, they would get to know the parents.

Eventually, whole families were converted and began to attend church. Even though Theda, an American from South Dakota, is now in her 90s, she’s still serving the Lord in my home country.

Whenever I think about missionaries, it brings me back to the basic evangelism question: Why do we do what we do? We need to know the answer, so that our motivation is in line with what the Bible teaches.

Second Corinthians 5:12 says, “Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all.” We share the Good News because we know and love God through Jesus Christ, that’s why. It is so thrilling that we want everybody to know Him!

Theda Krieger’s love for Christ gives her the motivation to share the Good News. May Christ’s love also compel you and me to be faithful in reaching your world, wherever that may be, till our dying day. Are you committed?

The Word of God

In the beginning of the book of Joshua, Moses has just died. Joshua is now in charge of leading His people to the Promised Land. In Chapter 1 the Lord tells Joshua: “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”

This marvelous promise wasn’t just for Joshua — it can also be claimed by followers of Jesus today. This means that we, as we head into spiritual battle for souls, God promises to give us victory.

But, before we can experience this success, we need to understand the conditions for enjoying such a promise. The conditions are found in verse 8 of Joshua 1, where God says: “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Even though Joshua was at least 65 years old at this point, the Lord took him right back to the basics – spending time with God and His Word. That’s the key secret to successful living through Jesus Christ.

The Bible is the essential element for success in all areas of our lives, including our witnessing. No matter how long you and I have been Christians, we must purpose to spend time each day with Jesus Christ, and His Word.

Then, as you share your faith, God really will give you ‘every place where you set your foot.’ Victory, success, God’s way, that’s it!