
He Gives Us Power

All of us go through hard times in life, some worse than others. My mom became a widow when she was only 34 years old. Some relatives who were crooked took away everything my dad had accumulated, so we were left with almost nothing. My mom had to somehow provide for me and my five sisters and my young brother. There were times we barely had enough to eat, and didnt know where our next meal would come from.

But through those hard years, we learned a great lesson from my mom. She taught us that even while going through the awful things of life, you can depend on the indwelling presence of the living Jesus Christ for strength. He will get you through. Because Jesus is alive, everyone who believes in Him has the power — through the Holy Spirit — to face the battles of life.

Thats why Christians get so excited when you quote Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

How can I do all things? Because the resurrection tells me Christ has come to live within me, and since he lives within me, I have His indwelling power! Do you want this power today? Do you need it? Open your heart to believe in the Lord Jesus. He will give you power through the Holy Spirit to face anything that comes your way. He will do so immediately. Its the only way to live! And, its great!

Know God Personally

I was recently in China where I was asked to preach at a church in Beijing, the capital city of 13 million. As I finished my message, I invited people to pray with me to receive Jesus Christ.

I said: If you just opened your heart to Christ, stand up and say out loud, I believe. About 85 Chinese stood up and said it in Chinese, and everybody applauded. Then I noticed an American at the back who had his hand up. So I said, What about you? He said in English out loud, I believe.

Later I found out that this gentleman was the top writer in Washington DC of a very important weekly magazine in America. He had actually heard me speak at Washington, DC Mall the previous month, but hadnt made any commitment at that time.

But someone had invited him to hear me preach that night in China. He was covering President Bushs official visit and thats when he became a believer. He came all the way to Beijing to give his life to Jesus Christ!

Jesus died and rose again so that anyone who believes in Him can enter into an intimate relationship with God anywhere in the world. You and I can actually know God personally for ourselves. Thats the beauty of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! But he leaves it up to us to make that decision.

St. Paul said in Acts 17:27, “He is not far from each one of us.” You can do it right now, wherever you are this Easter season. Raise your hand to heaven and say to the Lord, “I believe, Lord Jesus, I believe!”

Ready to Die

NBC Television had an excellent reporter named David Bloom. In 2003, he was covering the war in Iraq. David was a young guy, in his thirties, with a wife and three daughters – in the prime of life.

But one day while he was in a tank reporting, he collapsed, and died on the spot. Later they found out he had a pulmonary embolism – a blood clot that had lodged in his heart. No one could have guessed that it was coming. What a shock! So young!

But thankfully, when he died, David was ready. Two years before his sudden death he had given his life to Jesus with the help of some friends who I know in Connecticut. They get together every Friday morning to pray and to do a Bible study, and thats where David became a Christian.

Jesus rose from the dead! He gives us confidence that one day all believers will join Him in Heaven! In John 14:3 Jesus says, “I am going [to Heaven] to prepare a place for you.”

Thats where David Bloom is today. What about you? Like David, you never know when your time on earth will end. Its usually a big surprise! Thats why you need to be ready for that day by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and life immediately.

Why wait? Do you know Him as your Savior? Are you sure that you have eternal life? If not, why dont you settle things right now and open your heart to the Lord today?

Not Ashamed

I have a buddy who is a Jewish Christian. He became a believer many years ago when he went to college and he heard a great Jewish evangelist speak. So this man was converted and he was determined to become a missionary. He went back home to collect money for his first mission trip. But suddenly, he became embarrassed and ashamed of letting the Jewish community in his particular city know that he was a follower of Jesus Christ.

He was embarrassed that Jesus was his Savior and his Messiah, so he never truly lived his life for the Lord. He became one of those “closet” Christians we all know. Now, years later, this man is on his death bed, and feels his life has been a waste.

Jesus said in Luke 9:26, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory.”

You and I have a choice every day whether or not to be ashamed of Jesus Christ. No one wants to come to the end of his life and think its been a waste. But only living a life that counts for Christ will make that life worthwhile.

Are you ashamed of Jesus? If so, ask the Lord to forgive you. Its never too late to ask for a new beginning with God! He will give you a passion for Him thats so powerful, it will overflow onto those around you.

Intimacy with Christ

There is a little verse that I love in Psalm 25:14. It says, “The Lord confides in those who fear him. He makes his covenant known to them.” Now the Lord has no favorites, but he does have intimates. My pastor said that and I like it. The intimates are those who have a holy fear of God, a love for holiness, and who repent and confess their sins. The result is intimacy with God.

This intimacy is what helps us in sharing our faith. When theres this kind of closeness in our relationship with Christ, we can hear His voice speak to us very directly about certain situations and people. We can walk in confidence knowing that when the right time and place come, the Lord will reveal exactly what He wants us to do or say. We will be willing vessels for the Holy Spirit to flow through us onto others.

Every believer has a right to intimacy and depth with God where God explains things that are close to His heart. But in order to have this intimacy, we need to walk closely with the Lord with a broken and contrite spirit. Then, well understand where He wants us to go, and how He wants to use us to draw people to Himself.