
A Threat to the Enemy

Many people in the West claim that they are Christians, but words alone dont necessarily mean that they know Jesus Christ. So, we need to make sure that were a witness to everyone – those who say they are Christians and those who dont.

Some people think that being a Christian is a religious duty, a matter of rituals. Other people think that they are a Christian because their grandparents were. But, neither of those is true. A follower of Jesus is someone who has given their heart and life to Him. Its someone who enjoys life with Jesus Christ here on Earth and will enjoy eternal life with Him in heaven.

Since so many people dont really know what it means to be a Christian, we need to tell them. Satan would love for us to be quiet and just let people think they know our Savior. But, we need to fight! We need to tell our world about Jesus. God will give you the words. All you have to do is be willing to tell others about the cross and the resurrection of our Lord.

Are you a threat to the enemy? Are you reaching your world for Jesus Christ? Ask the Lord, even right now, to give you the courage and opportunity to tell a friend about Him and then go ahead and do it. In the end, that friend of yours may come to faith in Jesus Christ, and boy will they thank you as the ages go by in eternity for the day that you talked to them about Jesus. So do it and be blessed.

Average or Avid?

Lets say youre not merely an average basketball fan, lets say you make great sacrifices to support your hobby. You buy season tickets to watch your favorite team. You wear your teams colors. Not even a stranger could mistake your love for basketball!

Now, thats an AVID fan – they are FANATIC you could say. Theres also the AVERAGE fan. This person says he likes basketball. But the average fan really doesnt have a favorite team, doesnt care if he misses a game, and wouldnt pay for tickets, for sure.

When it comes to following Jesus Christ, are you a fanatic, so to speak? Or are you like the “average” basketball fan? Are you content with missing opportunities to reach your world for Jesus? Are you satisfied being just an “average,” instead of ACTIVE, Christian?

In the Bible Jesus says, “He who is not for me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.” When you are not living all-out for Jesus, you are not engaging in the spiritual battle for eternal souls.

Today I ask you again: are you a threat to the Kingdom of Darkness? Are you actively sharing as well as living your faith? People really do need to hear the Good News of eternal life and forgiveness.

I was reading in John 17 just this morning, and boy was I challenge that people need to hear that God is calling them. So do it, and be Gods mouthpiece.

Eyes on the Prize

We serve a victorious God! Jesus Christ conquered death and Satan when He rose from the dead! But the spiritual battle between good and evil will continue being fought on this earth until the day the Lord Jesus Christ returns in all His glory.

Today, lets focus not on the enemy, but on the Victor. Because when your eyes are on Jesus Christ, He directs your steps. And when He directs your steps, everything you do will be a threat to the enemy.

The Bible tells us to: “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

My friend, this is exciting news! When we live our lives as representatives of the Lord Jesus, by definition we are a threat to Satans evil plans. We do not have to fear the enemy. We do not have to strategize how to defeat him. We simply let God fill us as He guides our every word and every deed. We threaten the enemy as we reach our world for Jesus Christ.

Will you do it today? Will you tell someone about Jesus our Savior and our Lord? That is the best weapon for the good of people and for the good of the nation.

Freedom from Sins

I have a friend in England named Jim Perry. Jim and his wife

Veronica are believers, and love the Lord Jesus. But it wasnt always that way.

Jim was into the occult for many years. At times he wanted to get out, but didnt know how. Jim was miserable, haunted by the things done at the satanic gatherings.

Then, Jim met Veronica, who was a serious follower of Jesus. Jim says that Veronica had a peace about her that he had been searching for for years.

So when Veronica invited Jim to hear me speak at a stadium in London, Jim accepted. That night, Jim heard about the forgiveness and love that Christ offers – even to the vilest offender as he called himself.

On his second visit, Jim decided to trust Jesus Christ as His Savior, and he finally received peace from God and liberation from demonic forces and perversions.

Jesus offers that same peace to you and me this Easter season. Because He rose from the grave and is alive today, He has the power to forgive and purify us and set us free. Theres no more guilt, no more shame.

Psalm 34:5 says “Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered in shame.”

If youve never opened your heart to Christ, I hope that youll do it this Easter season. Remember, Jesus Chris is alive, and He offers you complete peace with God. Isnt that what youre searching for?

Seeing the Lord

The Bible indicates that Mary Magdalene was a woman if ill repute. She had been demon possessed and had obviously done a lot of bad things. But when Jesus took the demons out of her, Mary believed in Him, and she was forgiven of all shed done.

Later on, after Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to Mary first, before any of the disciples. God gave Mary the privilege of being the first one to see Jesus alive. She was able to say, “Ive seen the Lord!”

Today, you may not be able to see God with your physical eyes as Mary Magdalene did, but you can see him with the eyes of your soul. If you will open your heart to Christ, youll be able to say, Ive seen the Lord. He came into my heart. He forgave my sins. Im at peace with God.

And the proof of it is the resurrection confirmed in my heart by Gods Holy Spirit. The Bible says that when Jesus rose from the dead, God was confirming that all our sins are forgiven by faith in Him.

Hebrews 10:10 says, “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.”

Its all based on the work of the cross. No one is good enough to enter the kingdom of God, because to enter it we have to be perfect. And the only way to be perfect is to be washed, as the Bible puts it, in the blood of Jesus Christ. Will you receive that cleansing today?