A Liberating Message
Think back to the first time you heard Gods revolutionizing Good News. What made the biggest impact on you? Why did you decide to give your life to Jesus Christ? What sins did He free you from? How would your life be different without Gods forgiveness?
Its important to remember – really remember – just how powerfully our lives have been transformed by the Lord. That way, well be less likely to view the Good News as old news. Yes, you and I may have heard it hundreds of times.
But, there will always be someone who needs to hear the amazing Gospel for the very first time. Its liberating for those who are lonely, burdened with guilt, or frightened of the future. The Good News is the best news they will ever hear!
Paul gives us a great exhortation in Romans 10: He says, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? … As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
So, may your feet – your hands – your voice – your life – bring the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ to someone in your